Digital Champion

This pledge level will get you the full PDF manual for The Undiscovered Country adventure campaign, as well as the PDF copy of the 402 page 5e compatible Terramyr Compendium.

The Terramyr Compendium has:

  • 202 Spells 
  • 102 Monsters
  • 76 NPCs
  • 25 Maps
  • 13 Shops
  • 13 Classes
  • 13 Class-specific Familiars that level with your character!
  • 13 Class-specific Weapons that level with your character!
  • 12 Pets
  • 10 Mercenaries
  • 8 One-shots (Including Zhougo's Dungeon)
  • 8 Mini Games
  • 1 Mini Campaign with 4 additional related One-Shots that can be attached
  •         PACKED with LORE, world-building details, and Critical & Fumble Tables!

Digital Champion


3 Backers