Hardcover Hero

At this level you're going to get PDF and hardcover copies of both The Undiscovered Country and the Terramyr Compendium. It's a perfect way to fully immerse yourself and your players in the world of Terramyr. Aside from all the new content in The Undiscovered Country, the Terramyr Compendium includes:

  • 202 Spells 
  • 102 Monsters
  • 76 NPCs
  • 25 Maps
  • 13 Shops
  • 13 Classes
  • 13 Class-specific Familiars that level with your character!
  • 13 Class-specific Weapons that level with your character!
  • 12 Pets
  • 10 Mercenaries
  • 8 One-shots (Including Zhougo's Dungeon)
  • 8 Mini Games
  • 1 Mini Campaign with 4 additional related One-Shots that can be attached

And it's PACKED with LORE, world-building details, and Critical & Fumble Tables!

Shipping and taxes will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager

Hardcover Hero


8 Backers