Hardcover Hero
At this level you're going to get PDF and hardcover copies of both The Undiscovered Country and the Terramyr Compendium. It's a perfect way to fully immerse yourself and your players in the world of Terramyr. Aside from all the new content in The Undiscovered Country, the Terramyr Compendium includes:
- 202 Spells
- 102 Monsters
- 76 NPCs
- 25 Maps
- 13 Shops
- 13 Classes
- 13 Class-specific Familiars that level with your character!
- 13 Class-specific Weapons that level with your character!
- 12 Pets
- 10 Mercenaries
- 8 One-shots (Including Zhougo's Dungeon)
- 8 Mini Games
- 1 Mini Campaign with 4 additional related One-Shots that can be attached
And it's PACKED with LORE, world-building details, and Critical & Fumble Tables!
Shipping and taxes will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager
Shipping and taxes will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager