Dragon Scale Games
9 months ago

Project Update: Quick update


We've been hard at work on the project. 

We're about 30-35% through the initial draft. However, we have also taken a look at the overall outline and looked for interesting pivot points and plot branches to make the adventure a bit more dynamic and fun. 

Additionally we have been working really hard on both factions and the races mentioned. Putting a few characters with the race builds through some one offs and such just to check the balance. 

In January we'll make another push on getting through the draft of the adventure. 

And thanks to those of you that filled out the polls. I see monthly updates won the majority, so I will do my best to schedule a 2nd Tuesday of each month update so we can be regular in communication and you can see where things are at. :)

Until next time, happy holidays and here's looking forward to a happy new year!

All the best,




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