Level Up: A5E Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024

Level Up: A5E Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024

A hardcover compilation of archetypes, feats, spells, heritages, monsters, and more for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition!
£32,177 🎉
of £1,000
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A 250-page hardcover compilation of archetypes, feats, spells, heritages, monsters, and more for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition!

  • 25 archetypes including the arcano-pugilist artificer and the dark scourge herald.
  • 7 backgrounds including the fugitive and the shopkeeper.
  • Tons of new class features including new fighting styles for fighters, aegises and flourishes for savants, chanel divinities for clerics, and more.
  • The unerring hawk combat tradition.
  • 5 new cultures such as the grovekept and underbridge.
  • Dozens of equipment items like snow shoes, trip lanterns, and speaking horns, plus 16 new plants and herbs.
  • Over 20 exploration challenges from the runaway carriage to the diabolic toll road.
  • 18 feats including the secret agent and the mystical trickster.
  • 9 heritages such as the dryadborn and trollkin.
  • 9 magic items like bailer's boots and the summer blade.
  • Nearly 30 new monsters like the direnaught, the laughing lacerator, and the alleyway strangler.
  • Over 20 spells like embody fiendish spirit, deadly beckoning, and nervous recoil.
  • New rules for combat arenas, gambling, language ranks, dueling, and more.
  • 6 new regions including the blasted heath and the misty fen.
  • 3 new maladies, 6 organizations, 10 NPCs, and more!

You can see the full content list here!

The Gate Pass Gazette is the official monthly magazine for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition. This material was all published in Gate Pass Gazette Issues 23-35 throughout 2024, and is being presented here for the first time as a brand new hardcover compilation.


Stretch Goal Met!  The Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 will be printed as an offset print run. 

Over 300 copies of the The Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 have been selected as part of pledge tiers, add-ons, or bundles, and so we are upgrading everybody's book to an offset print run at no extra cost. The offset print run version will be printed to the same standard as all Level Up A5E books and have a ribbon books mark.

Active Gate Pass Gazette patrons can select the discounted pledge tier 'Patreon Discounted Pledge Tier'. You can access the link for this discounted pledge tier via the patreon page at Patreon.com/gatepass.
If you pledge this tier and are not a patron, your pledge will be updated in the pledge manager with the discount removed.

If you are not already a Gate Pass Gazette patron, and would like to be, you can visit Patreon.com/gatepass to sign up. Once signed up, you'll be able to use the discounted pledge tier.

In Level Up the journey can be as important as the destination. Exploration is far more than just travel or filler between encounters - it is the inclusion of the world as a character that is dynamic and influential. Level Up A5E helps the environment become a significant element in storytelling with exploration challenges.

The Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 contains over 20 exploration challenges.

  • 0th Tier: Artificial Avalanche Harbinger of Death Tourist Season Underground Shortcut.
  • 1st Tier Corrupt Watch, Crying Winds, Extra One, Local Celebrity, Runaway Carriage.
  • 2nd Tier Not-Deer, Political Protest.
  • 3rd Tier Assessor, Celestial Raiding Party, Court Summons, Dangerous Neighborhood, Diabolic Toll Road, Haunted Rest, Infernal Court, Inn of Heroes and Legends, Maw of the Demon, Potion Shop Pandemonium, Planar Storm, Stygian Ferryman.
  • 4th Tier: Collapsing Enigma.

Regions are important building blocks of the world, and each region has its own properties and encounter tables.  The Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 provides 6 new regions to help build your fantasy world:

  • Blasted Heath 
  • Mist-Shrouded Mountain 
  • Misty Fen
  • Poisoned Woods 
  • Wolflands
  • Unending Night 

Level Up contains a rnage of herbs, plants, and medicinals. In this book 16 new plants, some real, some magically enhanced, and others entirely fantastical, provide benefits or pose obstacles to your players as they venture forth on their adventures.

  • Alarm Orchid 
  • Arrowwood Viburnum 
  • Bubble Kelp
  • Canteen Cactus 
  • Caustic Sundew 
  • Corpse Flower 
  • Dartspine Cactus 
  • Death Cap Mushroom 
  • Elysian Sunflower 
  • Frostbud
  • Gloweed
  •  Lantern Flower
  •  Lady’s Favor 
  • Pepperberries
  • Puffball Mushroom 
  • Wisteria 

Prepare for thrilling encounters with nearly 30 new monsters!

  • Challenge 1/2: Daimonion, Heshgarat Cat 
  • Challenge 1: Mounted Pistoleer (Variant: Dragoon) (Variant: High Elf Spell Slinger) 
  • Challenge 2: Poisonous Patissier, Mounted Pistoleer (Variant: Mounted Gunslinger)
  • Challenge 3: Doorbreaker (Variant: Bugbear Door Breaker)
  • Challenge 4:Alleyway Strangler, Pugilist (Variant: Roughrider)
  • Challenge 6: Catastrophic Killer, Mounted Pistoleer Squad, Rhode Warden
  • Challenge 8: Bone-Breaking Bruiser
  • Challenge 9: Clay Guardian (Variant: Imprisoned Fiend), Wily Widower
  • Challenge 10: Direnaut, Laughing Lacerator, Stone Guardian (Variant: Imprisoned Celestial)
  • Challenge 12: Archmage (Variant: Blood Archmage)
  • Challenge 13: Everficer 

In Level Up A5E Origins consist of four main aspects: heritage, culture, background, and destiny.

Characters in the world belong to a heritage which includes certain biological characteristics and defines some aspects of their physical appearance.

This books allows you to choose from 9 new heritages for your A5E campaigns:

  • Birdfolk (Flightless): These birdfolk resemble ostriches, emus, and cassowary on the larger end, as well as kiwis and kakapo on the smaller. A rare few even resemble penguins. 
  • Birdfolk (Mystic): Certain kinds of birds have long been considered omens of death, signs from the gods, or spiritual guides. Whether this belief first stems from the birds or or the birdfolk, some of this heritage do have a touch of the mystic to them. 
  • Dryadborn: humanoids indelibly connected to the tree and magic. Born of Dryads and mortals through mysterious magic or mating.
  • Kitax: insectoid beings vaguely resembling ants, bees, or wasps.
  • Pantheran: Furred fey catlike folk, sometimes mistaken for feline lycanthropes.
  • Ringtail: lemur-like humanoids, who are naturals in the trees.
  • Shadowcast: Hailing from the Bleak Gate, the shadowcast are reflections of sapient creatures on the Material Plane.
  • Trollkin: Smaller and smarter than the average troll.

Your character’s culture details the society and circumstances that helped shape who they are. Culture options are universal and aren’t limited to specific heritages. This opens up a number of fun and interesting options and opportunities for your creativity to color outside of the lines!

Discover 5 unique cultures with this book:

  • Grovekept: a microcosm of the fey courts, with members jostling for social position amidst the Court of Groves.
  • Ka-Teni: seasonally migrating people that spend eight months of the year in their winter fortified mountain homes, and the rest making the most of a short growing season in the thawed valleys.
  • Kitax Regnum: folk raised in a kitax hive city, under a loose caste system serving the Queen. 
  • Lemurian: a cold-adapted people who live in and amongst the branches of the Taiga trees.
  • Underbridge: folk who live in the network of of lairs, markets, and the routes between a tangle bridges. 

If a culture tells how a character started, their background helps outline where their journey led. Backgrounds can provide bonuses to your ability scores, additional proficiencies, and features your character can use while adventuring.

The Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 introduces 7 new backgrounds:

  • Beggar
  • Day Laborer
  • Fugitive
  • Local Muscle
  • Replacer
  • Shadower
  • Shopkeeper

Explore the world, find new ways to battle, and bring depth to your characters journeys with these 25 new archetypes for the following classes:

  • Adept Walking Rock.
  • Artificer Arcano-Pugilist, Botanotechnitian, Wandmaker, Tinkerr, Tailor, Elastic Thinker.
  • Bard Analyst, Orator, Whisperkeeper.
  • Berserker Burrowrider.
  • Cleric Divine Hedonist, Open-Road Adherent, Shadow Priest.
  • Fighter Waverider.
  • Herald Dark Scourge, Deliverer, Voice of Dawn.
  • Marshal Wallrider.
  • Ranger Wingrider. 
  • Rogue Vanishing Force.
  • Sorcerer Empyrean-Touched, Ichorblooded, Living Flame, Magemarked.

Discover new new ways to bend the weave with over 20 new spells:

  • Direct Minion (cjr): Direct your summoned minion to attack or move. 
  • Dizziness (enc): Make knocking a target prone easier and more damaging. 
  • Steady Hands (tra):Gain precise control over your fine movements. 

  • Gish Gallop (enc): Repeat a failed Deception, Intimidation, or Perception check with a different one of those skills. 
  • Nervous Recoil (enc): When a creature succeeds on an attack roll, you cloud its perception, forcing it to either treat the attack roll as a failure or keep its success and suffer damage from cognitive dissonance. 
  • Stumble (enc): Make a creature stumble in a direction, potentially knocking them prone and dealing damage. 
  • Conjoinment (tra): Bind two objects to move in unison 
  • Lesser Repair (tra): Heal hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier to a construct or object. 
  • Minor Fiendish Ally (cjr): Summon an imp or quasit to bargain for services. 

  • Conjure Abyssal Hordlings (cjr): Summon up to three minor demons. 
  • Precious Item (enc): Enchant a valuable item to distract or lure a now fixated creature. 
  • Subliminal Messenger (enc): 
  • Implant a message in the subconscious of a creature that it recites when certain conditions are met. 
  • Sabotage (tra): Compromise the integrity of an object. 
  • Skeleton Crew (cjr): Summon invisible forces to pilot a vehicle. 

  • Compulsive Urge (enc): Imbed a chronic, compulsive habit in a creature. 
  • Inflict Paranoia (enc): Weaken your enemy’s resolve to eliminate their comradery. 
  • Greater Repair (tra): Restore several hit points to an object or construct and end a malfunction affecting it. 
  • Conjure Lesser Devil (cjr): 
  • Summon a lesser devil to do your bidding. 
  • Embody Fiendish Spirit (cjr): 
  • Invite a planar being into your body to use its knowledge. 

  • Conjure Guardian (cjr): 
  • Summon a clay, iron, or stone guardian. 
  • Deadly Beckoning (enc): Charm a creature into approaching you. Touching them deals 6d10 psychic damage. 

  • Charm Crowd (enc): Force a group of humanoids within 60 feet of you to view you as a trusted friend for a short time. 

Enhance your A5E characters with 18 new feats:

  • Audio Engineer: You can craft customized instruments to enhance your performances. 
  • Amped Up: You can leverage technology to amplify your  performances. 
  • Go to Eleven: You can use technology to push the power of your spells far beyond their normal limits. 
  • Covert Operative: You specialize in working undercover. 
  • Secret Agent: You routinely undertake classified operations. 
  • Espionage Expert: Your long and varied career has taught you much in the way of spycraft.
  • Divine Spark: You have discovered the intrinsic link between divinity and artifice. 
  • Haleg Scepen: You can harness a sliver of the divine power that brought creation into being. 
  • Imago Dei: You know the secret to creating life from inanimate material. 
  • Mischief Maker: You have a preternatural knack for causing trouble. 
  • Mystical Trickster: Your repertoire of trickery expands. 
  • Protean Persona: Your body is as adaptable as your mind. 
  • Ingenious Traning: You have learned to always keep an ace up your sleeve. 
  • Infiltrator: You have all the tools needed for clandestine missions. 
  • Intelligence Officer: Your mind is equipped to crack any problem. 
  • Strategic Thinker: You have an incredible knack for strategic thinking, able to put several plans into motion at once. 
  • Game Theorist: You know how to obscure your intentions while setting in place subtle strategies to confound your foes. 
  • Grandmaster: You know how to choose the perfect moment to launch all of your carefully constructed plans into action. 

The add-ons below are available in both physical and PDF versions. The print prices are shown below; PDFs range from £10-£20.

For more information on these books, click on the "Add-ons" tab at the top of the project page.


These are heavy packages. We have tried to keep shipping costs as low as possible, and subsidised them where we can, but we have limited control over them.

We understand that shipping to locations outside the UK, US, and EU is expensive, especially for smaller packages, and we encourage you to take advantage of the digital reward options.

Shipping will be paid via the backerkit pledge manager after the campaign ends.

Your PDFs will be with you February 2025

Digital (PDF) rewards will be fulfilled as soon as the crowdfunding ends. We pride ourselves on the fastest digital delivery of crowdfunders in the world! 

Your books will be with you July 2025

We will place the print run order for the books the same day the Backerkit surveys close -- the printer is standing by! They will then be shipped to our UK & US warehouses ready for distribution to you, along with any add-ons you may choose.

The PDF version is fully bookmarked, indexed, and hyperlinked for easy navigation.

The Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 is currently available as a print-on-demand product. If at least 300 copies of the The Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 are pledged for in this campaign, we will upgrade this to an offset print run version as no extra cost to the backers.


Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (A5E) launched in 2021 and is a standalone game which enhances the 5E ruleset which you know and love. If you love 5E but would like a little more depth to the rules, Level Up is the new game for you!

After two years of extensive public playtests and surveys involving thousands of players, and input from our active community, we completely overhauled the 5E game system. From redesigned classes to a full exploration pillar, we revisited every aspect of the game to present this new standalone game, backwards compatible with the 5th Edition core rules.

We ran the hugely successful Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Kickstarter in 2021, raising nearly a million dollars. Since then Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition has been featured on major outlets like Kotaku and Polygon.

If you would like to read an overview of the system, you can visit the official Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition tools site. Here you will find the rules of the game, along with searchable directories of spells, combat maneuvers, magic items, monsters, and more.

A5E.tools is the official Level Up online tools site. It contains the rules of the game, along with searchable databases of spells, magic items, monsters, and more.

You can find character sheets here, and other useful resources here.

Level Up Gateway is the online character builder currently in development for Level Up A5E. The site contains official Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition material and enables players and Narrators to build characters, roll colourful, animated virtual dice, and access official A5E rules.

You can currently play Level Up Advanced 5th Edition online with the below virtual tabletop platforms. 

We are also speaking to other VTT platforms to partner with in the future. We have signed agreements with many, and will announce them once they have coded A5E on their platform and have them available for you.

We are strong supporters of the Open Gaming movement and encourage third-party support for Level Up Advanced 5th Edition.

Creators can publish for A5E under the licence of their choice: Creative Commons, the Open Game License, or the Open RPG Creator (ORC) License.

We have System Reference Document (SRD) for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (A5E), designated the A5E System Reference Document (A5ESRD). You can read more about this at a5esrd.com.

We already have a thriving community of third party creators for Level Up A5E which can be found here.
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