Kitten Bee is a tiny bee sized feline that exists simply to make people happy. I first drew her in 2017, after months of friends and I playing around with the concept. Since then she's become a fixture of my art whenever I want to make something cute and cheerful, and need a pick-me-up!
My First Kitten Bee Drawing
I did a line of hard enamel pins in 2019 that I've decided to retire since they sold out recently, and I saw an opportunity to redesign a smaller, cuter pin! I've always wanted to do pride versions of Kitten Bee too, so I'm biting the bullet and going for it!
These pins will be UV printed with gold colored metal, with two pin posts for stability and black rubber pin backings. The solo bees are 1" wide each, and the dandelion bee is 1.5". They will come without a backing card, as I want to keep waste down as much as possible and be as environmentally friendly as I can be.
UV printing is a method of pin production that looks and feels exactly like hard enamel, but with greater detail potential. I wanted these guys to be small and cute, and even with a simplified design hard enamel couldn't accommodated the tinier details.
Shipping will be charged after the campaign ends as part of the Backerkit survey. Please note that the pledge amount during the campaign does not include shipping cost.
Pins will be shipped in durable recycled boxes/packaging. Below are shipping price estimates based off the usual shipping costs when I send and order from my store. Final shipping costs will be based off the weight of your order.
Domestic shipping (US) - $4.85 USD International - $14.50 USD
If I make it to all the stretch goals, I am open to adding more!
I wanted to start with a little rainbow bee to represent the whole queer umbrella, and pay special attention with a trans pride bee for the original goal set. I've added 10 more pride varieties in no particular order as stretch goals! I don't want anyone to be left out, I will do my best!
Vinyl Stickers
Vinyl Kitten Bee stickers are available as add-ons, for a lower price than in my store! You can add these after you pledge to receive them with your pins.