Amanda Coronado
3 months ago

Project Update: Jackals arriving EARLY!!! (If now is a bad time for your card to be charged for Jackal shipping please let us know.)

Big news to update you all on! 

 Jackals are officially in the US and should be arriving to us on Monday! 

This is a big surprise and nearly 2 weeks ahead of schedule!  This is a really good thing- it means we can start getting these guys out the door to you in time for the holidays!

We had initially expected them the first week of December, with our dates for charging and locking orders originally set as Dec. 1st.  We don't want to charge anyone before they expect it.  If your order contains everything except Maned Wolf and Bronze Horizon pin, we will be charging as soon as Monday evening.

✦✦✦ If being charged shipping for Jackal on Monday Nov 25 doesn't work for you, please leave a comment here and we can hold off on charging you shipping.✦✦✦

If your order contains a Bronze Horizon pin (and no Maned Wolf), expect us to hold to the date of Dec 1st. for charges.
 These are still in production, but we hope they will be finishing soon.

If your order contains a Maned Wolf, then you can still expect to be charged shipping in January. 

Shipping is ongoing and we have currently shipped 80 of 457 orders! Please behold the dragon sized boxes!  This is what has made the shipping so pricey, but we really wanted her to arrive in a nice condition!

We hope to continue working on shipping slowly but surely!  There will be a slight pause in shipping at the beginning of December for Pax Unplugged and Anime Weekend Atlanta.  Please come say hi if you are attending either event!  We looking forward to unleashing Jackals upon you all! 
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