Gehenna Gaming
3 months ago

Project Update: 10 Days In Update - The Road So Far!

Hey folks! Larger campaign update today! We have a bunch to talk about, and many thanks to say. When we launched Eldritch Automata, we honestly didn't think we'd have nearly 900 Backers and almost $90K in the first ten days, let alone the full campaign. Our plan all along has been to build E//A into a regularly updated game, with new supplements being put out regularly to give y'all more stories to tell and ideas to use for your games.

The funding raised so far ensures this goal will be a reality, and we want to thank you all deeply for that.
Now, on to the updates!

Virtual Tabletop Access

We're excited to say Eldritch Automata will be coming to numerous VTT platforms soon. Before we even launched we were talking to the folks at AlchemyRPG because we love the tools they've developed and think it's an ideal place to run Eldritch Automata virtually. Since then, we've also been talking to other platforms to ensure you can play E//A on the VTT of your choosing. So we're pleased to say the game will be available *very soon* on Alchemy, as well as Diceweaver and Tabletop Mirror! If you aren't familiar with these platforms, make sure to check them out. They all have fantastic, unique aspects to offer GMs and players for virtual (and home) games.

ALL Stretch Goals Revealed

Rather than make y'all keep waiting, we've decided to unveil the final stretch goals of the campaign. These are two loftier goals we hope to achieve, but that won't impact the final book or reward delivery either way.

Stretch Goal 14 is the first Campaign Book for Eldritch Automata, which we're partnering with our friends at Storytellers Forge to produce. The team of writers over there is loving Eldritch Automata so far and can't wait to tell their own story about it. This book will be a full, ongoing campaign designed to help introduce GMs and Players new to E//A to the game, mechanics, and themes and allow you to explore them and grow as you become more comfortable with the game!

And our final goal is a personal endeavor that is near to our hearts. Gehenna Gaming got its start in events and content creation, and it has always been part of our mission to uplift marginalized creators and give back to the TTRPG community. If we manage to hit $150K, we'll use extra funds from the campaign to set up a creator scholarship to fund actual plays and podcasts of E//A that will have open applications.

If you want to help us with both goals, make sure you keep sharing the campaign with your friends and don't forget about our larger tiers and add-ons, where you'll receive a bunch of additional goodies with the game!

Unlocking More Art

Speaking of larger tiers, we're also running a poll right now. If you missed out on the limited tiers to contribute your pilot or Horror description to the game, we're considering opening up 5 more spots for each tier - if there's interest. So, if you want to upgrade to one of these tiers, make sure you vote and let us know!

Again, thanks for all your support so far, we can't wait to launch Eldritch Automata with you!
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