Billie Bust Up
3 months ago

Project Update: New Contact Email for Shipping Help and Questions

We now have a direct line to the people handling shipping and merch, [email protected]

We are getting close to mass shipping the merch after the test shipping parcels went through. The person handling it wanted to take a bit longer to ensure both Kickstarter and Backerkit orders were combined so we don't end up sending out more than one parcel, but also to make sure we have all the correct size packaging boxes to ensure everyones orders come through in one piece. Took him a bit to code all the formula and figure out a good system. I admit I did not consider what a task getting the correct packaging sizes would be, when people can mix and match their orders with keychains, prints and shirts etc. 

To add further context. The person handling shipping is the same person handling our project plan. The complications with Humble Games meant he had to do a lot of work reworking our project plan and establishing a new relationship with our new publishing team after the previous one was laid off. So he is balancing both the project management and this. He has spent about 30 hours trying to work the data so that shipping will be easy and fast once it starts. 

Thanks for being patient and as mentioned above please do contact that email if you need any help, like swapping out your address. Also please check to see if you have an email from this address. We had some issues with some of the orders so emails were sent out to 100 people, so double check you don't have an email sat in spam from this address, or add the email to your trusted email list.

I will be putting up the Orchestral Barnaby Update demo today so you can all play the newest update if you have the demo on your order :D 

Lots of love!




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