The deadline to change address has now gone, we are now mass shipping everything out! We are still shipping things as a small family, my sister and her family have kindly come over to help pack things, so we will work as hard as we can get to all the parcels shipped ASAP, the aim is to have them out before Christmas. I will be coming home from Sweden in the next 2 weeks to help start packing parcels also.
If you still want to change your address you can ATTEMPT via [email protected], but be warned we cannot guarantee we can change your address if the parcel is already shipped. If your parcel has shipped and you have not informed us we will be unable to help.
Reminder to not use this email unless you are asking for an address change. The email being flooded can delay the pipeline and spams away more urgent requests such as address changes.
The stickers also came out bigger than I expected, which I think is good! They're a nice size, please excuse the dirty surface the stickers were tested on