Goodman Games
2 months ago

Project Update: Cleared: Stretch goal for Improved Production Values! & more

Improved production values are yours!

Can I just take a moment to say "wow"? Even for someone with nearly 40 crowdfunding campaigns under their belt, Caverns of Thracia continues to impress and amaze. Thank you to everyone who helped push us past the latest stretch goal. And now let's talk Improved Production Values!

What Does "Production Values" Mean?

In short, we're talking things like: sewn-in satin ribbon bookmarks, foil applications, deboss (i.e. indentations in the cover), improved paper stock, and so on.

Goodman Games already prints on heavyweight FSC paper. That means it's certified by the Forest Stewardship Council to be ecologically friendly (read more here). There's not much more we can do to improve the paper quality.

But we can add fancy bells and whistles! One thing we're looking at is adding one or more sewn-in satin ribbon bookmarks. Here's where you backers can have a voice. This is the full catalogue of ribbon colors available from our printer:

Oooohhhhh, so pretty! So many ribbon options...

The original Caverns of Thracia cover art by Jennell Jaquays (which I absolutely love, BTW) had a great sky blue tone. With that in mind, I'm leaning toward a blue ribbon. So it would be one of these:

Options for blue satin ribbon bookmarks

From a production perspective, on a thick hardcover like this it's possible to sew in more than one ribbon. As I type this at $485k we can only afford one. But if this project keeps on truckin' (which it looks like it will) we can potentially add two sewn-in ribbons. Same color, or different color.

Additionally, we can potentially choose different colors for the 5E and DCC books.

So backers, feel free to comment in this thread as to which colors you think would work best for your pledge! We'll have to make one final decision but I'm happy to incorporate feedback as best we can.

Personally, I like #187...

Team Update

The answer to our latest poll was... Spartacus! Which pretty much everybody answered correctly. Team 5E has lengthened their lead! We'll be back soon with a new poll. Remember, the team with the highest score at the end of the project wins something special...

DCC Indie Kickstarter: Cult of the Cave Crickets

We're back with another recommendation for fans of the DCC third-party publishing community. Dark Star Adventures is Kickstarting "Cult of the Cave Crickets." They invite you to descend into a labyrinth of darkness, where mutated insects skitter and fungal abominations writhe. Unravel the mystery of a fallen star and a missing research expedition over two to three sessions of intense gameplay. This is not a mere adventure—it is a journey into madness, a confrontation with the unknowable, and a test of your very sanity. Check it out here!

Next Stretch Goal: Ecology of Thracia

We're already closing in on the next stretch goal. Please help us spread the word and close this one out too!

4 pages of content on the ecology of Thracia, just like the classic Dragon magazine articles. Lizardfolk, beastmen, maybe even minotaurs!
Goal: $510,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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