Chris-Goodman Games
6 months ago

Project Update: April Update

Greetings Backers!

Happy April! The only April Fools around here are the delvers that are going to blunder into these traps at your game table! The DCC and 5E teams are hard at work bringing this project across the finish line. And you know what, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Wait, is that a fireball incoming....

First, an update on the progress of the various components on this project. And then we are going to share some sketch artwork.

Project Updates
  • The entire DCC main book is off to the layout team.
  • The entire 5E version of the main book is in the very last stages of development. It too will be off to the layout team in a matter of days!
  • The Stretch Goal traps have been fully edited and developed. They too are off to the layout team.
  • The DCC RPG version of Against the Thieves' Guild is also off to the layout team. The 5E version still needs a few tweaks before its ready for layout. The interior artwork is still in progress, as are the maps. We discovered a slight error in one of the maps, so its back to the drawling board (literally) for that map.
  • DCC #106 Trials of the Trapmaster is off to the layout the team.
  • We can't help ourselves and just had to add all new original artwork to the interior of the main book. We have received the preliminary sketches for approval (see below).

Artwork Preview
When we decided to commission brand new artwork for some of the classic traps, we knew we needed an artist that captured the feel for Steve Crompton's original art. That means a healthy dose of comedy, and multiple panels to show the trap "in action". Chuck Whelan instantly came to mind for the assignment, and if you've seen some of the XCC previews, you know what we are talking about. And he knocked it out of the Dungeon! These are just rough sketches, but we couldn't wait to share them you!

The Shower of Gold Trap Rough Sketch

The Magnesium Torch Rough Sketch

The Rope Snake Rough Sketch

Dinner Time Rough Sketch

The Wet Noodle Pit Trap Rough Sketch

And if you made it down this far, please consider supporting Steve Crompton, the Trapmaster himself, with his new Kickstarter. This is an innovative mix of Comic and RPG gaming using the Monsters! Monsters RPG. You can back it here.





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