Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
We are in the middle of January and we haven't gotten an update about the game for going on two months now. What's the delay? Why haven't we gotten a proper update?
This user contributed to this community!
Since we haven't gotten the last part of this pledge yet, I'm moving at the end of May, I can't update my address. What do I need to do?
Project Update: Off to PAX Unplugged! And then back to work with no more conventions!
This weekend is PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, and I'm very excited about it. We'll be in the Flat River Group booth #2150, which is conveniently located here:
However, I won't be in the booth on Sunday! On Sunday, Paul and Matt Kroll and I will be running a COMPILE tournament! All day! It's gonna be very cool! If you're at the show, sign up before Sunday. Where do you sign up? In our booth! #2150! See above!
OK, next month, I'll have more info for you on a variety of things. But for now, I gotta go to Philadelphia! Catch up with you soon!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
Can someone remind me -- Are fixed Dividers from the base definitive game, included in this expansion?
Project Update: November Robot Update!
Sorry about no update last week — I got in to the office to find water running down the walls of my office and of our streaming room (where all the expensive A/V equipment lives) and so last week ended up being pretty damn challenging for a variety of reasons. But we're somewhat recovered and mostly dry over here now and I'm back to working on stuff!
Still putting the final polish on files, but with no work travel this month, I have the highest of hopes and the time to actually execute them! Progress!
The last time I showed off Hero deck stuff, Omnitron-X was rudely left out. Time to correct that! Here's some robot stuff:
Unsurprisingly, Omnitron-X has Item cards:
There are also some interesting Ongoing cards:
And One-Shots that make everything work smoothly:
And there's even more!
See you next month for more!