Christopher Badell
3 months ago

Project Update: Off to PAX Unplugged! And then back to work with no more conventions!

Hey, folks!

Just a quick update today, as I'm getting ready to leave town for the last convention of the year! (I'm very excited that this is the last convention I'll be going to for MONTHS! Whew!)

This weekend is PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, and I'm very excited about it. We'll be in the Flat River Group booth #2150, which is conveniently located here:
Come by! Say hi! Stay awhile and play Compile!

However, I won't be in the booth on Sunday! On Sunday, Paul and Matt Kroll and I will be running a COMPILE tournament! All day! It's gonna be very cool! If you're at the show, sign up before Sunday. Where do you sign up? In our booth! #2150! See above!

OK, next month, I'll have more info for you on a variety of things. But for now, I gotta go to Philadelphia! Catch up with you soon!





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