Green Leaf Geek
about 1 year ago


Happy Thursday, folks!

I've just sent out the surveys for backers as well as getting the preorder store all set up. I've decided to offer the same tiers for preorder that were available during the campaign, with a couple of changes and exceptions:
  • Pre-orders won't receive the free sticker sheet stretch goal reward that backers earned during the initial funding period
  • A Seat at the Table IS available, but only as an add-on. This means that pre-orderers can access it but must choose a different pledge tier and then add the one-shot as an add-on. This is to manage quantities ordered.
  • The same applies for the handmade UV-lit hex trays made by Naturally Nerdy - they can be pre-ordered but will need to be added on to a different tier in the pre-order store. This is to manage quantities ordered.

  • If you backed for a UV-lit hex tray during the campaign, you can add a spot (or more) for a virtual one-shot session to your pledge during pledge manager. 
  • If you backed for A Seat at the Table one-shot, you can order a handmade UV-lit hex tray as an add-on during pledge manager as well. 
  • Retailers can also pre-order or upgrade a pledge from the original campaign to be a FLGS/retailer order during pledge manager.

I am planning to keep the pledge manager survey/pre-order store open for about a month. This should allow lots of time for folks to complete their surveys and get their add-ons sorted, and give me a good idea of how many of each design to produce. I'll give a one-week update when it gets to be survey closing time.

If you run into any issues, please let me know by comment here or by email at Leah AT greenleafgeek DOT com.

Thanks again, pals, and happy surveying!
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