Green Leaf Geek
8 months ago

Project Update: June Update

Hello lovely people,

I wanted to give you a small update on what's been going on chez Green Leaf Geek in the last little while.

I've been a little bit delayed on getting things sorted as I've been going through some Pretty Major Life Things in my personal life in the last month-or-so. I won't bore you with details right now, but there are some ongoing and unexpected things that have left me a little bit less brain space to focus on work at the moment.

That being said, I got confirmation today that the workshop team in Hong Kong has received my payment for production and will be getting work rolling ASAP! This is fantastic news! 3D printing of the glowy inclusions was completed in May and all those tiny little UV-activated goodies are safe in the hands of the workshop for production.

Jes The Human has sent me the final draft of the one-shot which is looking just dandy, and I'm very excited to share it with all of you as soon as we get the formatting finalized. I will also be reaching out to Seat at the Table backers soon to arrange your online one-shot sessions!

I will post another update when I have info about Naturally Nerdy's progress on those beautiful UV-lit dice trays, so stay tuned if you ordered one of those.

As always if you need to get in touch, you can do so by sending an email to [email protected], or sending a support request via Backerkit (those go straight to me, as well).

Hoping the summer is treating you well, and I'll be in touch again with more updates soon.





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