Green Ronin Publishing
about 1 month ago

Project Update: First Stretch Goal Delivering Now: The 2019 Expanse RPG Core Rulebook!

Hey Folks,

Happy Friday! During the campaign the first stretch goal we unlocked was a complimentary copy of the Expanse RPG Core Rulebook from 2019 on DrivethruRPG. This is the first edition of the rules, so if you are new to the Expanse, you can get started playing the full game right away!

Emails are going out from DrivethruRPG in batches, so they may not all land in everyone's inbox right away, but any pledge that includes a reward (Camina Drummer or higher) should have it added to their library by tomorrow.

As always, if you run into any issues or concerns, you can reach out to us at [email protected], and we'll get things sorted out for you. While we try to check back for comments here as often as we can, we don't always get notifications for them, so email is the best way to reach us.

And before we sign off, if you happen to find yourself in the Pacific Northwest, team Ronin is at OrcaCon this weekend! Come by the booth and say hello in the Merchant's Hall and get in a few games while you're here!

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