Haphazard Projects
6 months ago

Project Update: 30 Days of Rewards

The Last 30 Days are upon us!

I just posted a sort of "Advent Calendar" in the Story Section that explains how that part will work.

But, if you help bring us closer to the finish line... well, we have something special lined up for you. All you have to do is find a friend or game store that wants to back the project. Ask them to join the Discord server and then message me with your name.

Anyone who does this will get some extra special at the end of the BackerKit project, whether it succeeds of not. And if it does succeed... the "something special" will be even bigger. We're talking like $200-300 bigger.

Help us cross the finish line please!

  • Campaign Pins will read "The Aethyrblood Project 2024" on a coloured background.
  • Aethyrblood dice are a series of dice including 2d3, 2d4, 2d6, 2d8, 2d10, and 2d12, as well as one percentile die.
  • The Sample Soundtrack will be a small selection of songs written specifically for the game, written and performed by Eiric E. Padráig.
  • Tee Shirts will be black, reading "I Backed The Aethyrblood Chronicles 2024" on the front and on the back it will read "So, it's my own damned fault".
  • Character Made means you will have the chance to sit down with the game designer and make a new entry for the Four Colour Characters section.
  • Session will be complete one-shots written by Eiric E. Padráig and run at at time based upon the players availability.
  • The Vhouj Wars will be written, regardless of whether or not the Stretch Goal is met. You will get a free copy when it is complete.
  • Special Thanks will be listed apart from the other backers of the project. The Lucky Thank You is going to be a special surprise.




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