Belinda Crawford
1 day ago

Project Update: 🪦 Trivia question 7 is here!

We're closing in on the 4th stretch goal: a new Gamer story!

Do you think we can unlock it before Booktopia ends? If we do, the NEXT stretch goal will unlock the Collector's Edition hardbacks.

Are you ready for another round?

You guys know me so well that you're killing it with the trivia! I'll reveal the answers to all the questions at the end of the campaign, in the meantime...

Here's what you need to know about the Gamer quiz. It doesn't matter if you get the answers right or not, what's important is having a go. For everyone who answers at least 80% of the questions (right, wrong or otherwise) I'll be slipping a little something extra in with their pledges. 

Missed a question? Catch up in the Community Poll section here

The 7th trivia question is...

How did Vlad's parents die?

Remember, you don't have to get the answer right to get a prize, all that counts is playing the game.
10 votes
If we hit this goal, we'll be 1 step closer to unlocking the Collector's Edition hardback AND I'll write a brand new Gamer short story!
Goal: $2,240 / $2,500
We need $260 more to reach this goal.




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