Horse Shark Games
1 day ago

Project Update: Adventure Poll: Skill Check

B@TB0!D v01ds33k0r starts examining the DeepLink Cooperative system. Noting connections, structure, and other details of what amounts to a huge collection of meta data about grid points, connections, and arcologies of the WorldNet.

It's time for the Intuit Architecture skill check. Roll 1d20, (we're trained, if we weren't we'd roll 1d10). Note that Difficulty Checks (DCs) in Netcrawl start at 10 for something that has a slightly above-average difficulty. 

Some information will be automatically revealed by using the Intuit Architecture skill, more information will be found if the skill check beats the Difficulty Check (DC). You as players will not know the DC, but if a majority of the rolls beat it, I will give you more information.

In this situation it is unlikely that a majority of you will score natural 20s or 1s. So if there's success with natural 20s or failure with natural 1s, I will tabulate all the successful (or failed) rolls and pick one at random. If the chosen die roll is a 20 (or a 1), we'll have a spectacular result of some kind.

Everyone grab your trusty d20, give it a roll, and then register your result. Good luck!
31 votes • about 11 hours left




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