Horse Shark Games
18 days ago

Project Update: Funded! Thank you so much!

You Did It!

Thank you for showing up today and breaking all kinds of records for Horse Shark Games!

We've never produced such an ambitious project (7 books!) and we've never had a pledge total this high. And it's still just the first day!

And The Neon Lord and I will also be making our Cross Collab Adventure - Token Collect! 8 books!

It makes me feel good that you're here and enjoy my books. This project is a love letter to what I do professionally and you have a huge part in making it a reality. I couldn't not have done this alone and thank you for your support. I'm humbled and I appreciate you all so very much. You guys are awesome!

Next up: I'm looking forward to getting to those achievements:
  • First up is full color interior for Arcologies. If you've seen the pdf of Netcrawl (download it if you haven't), I'm excited about bring that color esthetic to the book.
  • Then there's a color poster of the map of the WorldNet. A great reference for your campaigns.
  • The last achievement (so far) is a Token Reward Board to use with Token Collect.

But that is not all I have planned for you all! So start sharing the news and bringing your friends to the party! It's going to be great!

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