Horse Shark Games
17 days ago

Project Update: Day Two Digest

Oh My!

What a surprise to wake up and see that overnight all the current stretch goals for the Netcrawl RPG were reached! Wow. Thanks everyone for getting us here!

We are looking at our list of goals that we want to add to the campaign. An announcement will be made later in the week. Until then, feel free to comment with any suggestions you might have. Who knows, maybe your suggestion will get the green light.

Music and Netcrawl

I don't often think about writing and music together and that is due to my own compartmentalization and stupidity. Both are extremely important to me. I of course write RPGs and other fictions. I also have a huge collection of vinyl.

Back in March I reached out to Loot the Body about doing a song for the Backerkit video. Even then I was still just thinking about it as something to have for marketing purposes and less about my own personal enjoyment of music. Like I said, I'm a little thick in the head when I'm deep into something.

I was thrilled to recently sit down and complete an interview for Critical Hit Parader. Critical Hit Parader is a newsletter that provides weekly content on the intersection of music and tabletop roleplaying games. Most importantly, the interview finally connected the dots on Netcrawl and music for me. So check out this week's interview with me over there. There's of course a link to the full song by Loot the Body and there's also a nice little audio surprise over there for you. After you're done over there come back here and tell us what you think!

Artist Statement

It's no secret there are more people than just me helping to make Netcrawl RPG. Several times during this campaign I'll be letting them tell you about their contributions to Netcrawl. First up is Loot the Body impresario Levi Nunez. Loot the Body has contributed a ton of music to OSR and DCC RPG games. He is also about to launch a crowdfunding campaign of his own later this month on Kickstarter. Against the Cult of the Hippie Commune is not his latest album but a 0-level funnel for DCC RPG! So go over to Kickstarter and sign-up for the preview.

Artist Statement: Levi Nunez

Music for TTRPGs is world building. The players should close their eyes and feel like they're in the game world. In this instance the task was tricky because I wasn't writing a sparse ambient bed. I really wanted the feeling of a journey with movement across different locations. 
I made myself a list of "vibes" I felt this piece should evoke. I knew I wanted retro sounds reminiscent of the early days of computer hacking when things seemed a little more tangible and the cyber-world was there to anyone who dared venture within it. I wanted the concrete experience of leaving the mundane world and going to the game world. I wanted that feeling of things ramping up to light-speed (with old-school tech). The player isn't just a person at a keyboard, they are inside the system so there should be the feeling of traveling through circuits where other signals are whizzing by. I wanted them to feel like hot electrical currents that made it impossible to sit still. You need to move quickly or you might get fried!. 
The melody needed to evoke a sense of danger but also coolness. Somewhere in the middle there should be a change, a hint of wonder and perhaps beauty. Finally, there should be a feeling of a ticking clock and ramping up to a dangerous conclusion. All of it within the time limit. I hope folks get everything I'm going for and maybe imagine some other details of their own as they listen to the song. 
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