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Inkwell Ideas
1 day ago
Next Worldographer 2025 Poll!
Hey folks! Thanks again for supporting/showing interest in our Worldographer 2025 project! As promised, we've got a link to a new poll (it may be in a "backers only" section o...
Inkwell Ideas
5 days ago
Week 1 Success! Poll Results & New Poll!
Hi Folks, Week one of the Worldographer 2025 crowdfunding effort has wrapped and we're excited with where we are!  Thank you! You're helping to ensure that Worldographer sticks ...
Inkwell Ideas
9 days ago
New Worldographer Demo Version Posted & Our First New Features Poll!
Thank you for your support!  As mentioned in our prior update, as another way of including you in the project, we're going to have a few polls where you can vote for which new f...
Inkwell Ideas
11 days ago
Great Launch for Worldographer 2025! Back Early to Vote In New Feature Polls
Thank you everyone who has already pledged for the next major update to Worldographer!  If you haven't yet, don't wait... back it here.  We're getting a bunch of new feature s...
Inkwell Ideas
1 day ago

Project Update: Next Worldographer 2025 Poll!

Hey folks!

Thanks again for supporting/showing interest in our Worldographer 2025 project!

As promised, we've got a link to a new poll (it may be in a "backers only" section of this post, so if you've backed this project you should see it).  I've done my best to scour comments for feature suggestions.  In a few cases I asked for clarification questions and didn't see answers yet. In a few other cases I felt the request was a bit too specialized or we had ways to pull that feature off in an indirect way.  But I also want to focus much more on testing, so our remaining poll choices are mostly smaller in scope than the ones that won last week's poll.

For anyone following the project but hasn't backed it yet, please do give the demo a try and back it if it seems it will fit your needs--especially if you see the potential as we add a few more features and iron out the kinks.  Plus you'll get to vote in our remaining polls.

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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As a science fiction RPG player (classic Traveller to be precise) I want to be able to create worlds with extreme terrains/environments. Here are some terrain icons that I would like to see added:- COLD WORLD BIOMES 1. Radiation-Shielded Biomes 2. Ice-Covered Biomes 3. Cold Desert Biomes 4. Cryovolcanic Biomes 5. Astrobiological Microenvironments 7. Magnetically Shielded Biomes 8. Frozen Void Biomes 9. Artificial Biomes (human-made structures) 10. Dust Storm Biomes HOT WORLD BIOMES 1. Hyper-Arid Desert Environments 2. Volcanic or Geothermal Landscapes 3. Rocky Barren Plains (cratered and bob-cratered) 4. Salt Flats and Evaporative Basins 5. Molten or Semi-Molten Surfaces 6. Hyperthermal Oasis 7. Dust Storm Environments 8. Magma Oceans 9. Metallic Plains





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Inkwell Ideas
5 days ago

Project Update: Week 1 Success! Poll Results & New Poll!

Hi Folks,
Week one of the Worldographer 2025 crowdfunding effort has wrapped and we're excited with where we are!  Thank you! You're helping to ensure that Worldographer sticks around for the long haul and gets a steady stream of improvements.

And our first poll of new feature ideas wrapped up yesterday as well--in a tie!  UVTT support & multiple planets per system in the cosmic map generator were co-winners. But both are probably the largest two features in scope in that poll so we'll be working on them steadily over the next couple of months--just don't expect them to be released next week. :)  The multiple planets per star system has the complication that no one generation method is widely agreed upon.  So we have to figure out an approach to that. The UVTT work is something I'm scoping out.  It may be fairly quick, or it could require some extra changes elsewhere in Worldographer.

But today we did put out a new update to the preview.  This has a few bug fixes as well as better support for importing graphics as terrain and features.  One tiny enhancement that I'm really happy with: hold down "alt" as you do a paint-bucket-fill for terrain and ALL the terrain of that type that is on that map level will convert to the new type--not just the connected terrain.  So if you do want to generate a "classic" map and then quickly convert it to another style, you can.  That may be even faster/better than the new configuration window we showed recently.

We've been doing daily videos of different Worldographer things (mostly 2025 details/improvements) in our Youtube channel.  See them all here.  The most recent video is showing those enhancements to adding terrain and features to the tool--and the new paint-bucket-terrain option.

I'm still taking suggestions for our next new features poll.  While I'm trying to collect them from all over (other comments here, facebook comments, emails to support, discord, etc... don't be shy to post an idea here to be more sure I get it in the next poll.

Thanks again!

user avatar image for Inkwell Ideas




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I see that you have icon sets for modern or future buildings in a city map, but I do not see modern or future "skins" for your detailed building interiors. Does this already exist as a feature, or icon set, or could this be added? I really like the Starship Geomorphs 2.0 by Pearce (might want to check out if you have not), but they only have limited use for non-outer space buildings. Thanks





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Inkwell Ideas
9 days ago
130 votes • Final results
user avatar image for Inkwell Ideas




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