Inkwell Ideas
2 months ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager Link Coming Soon

Here's our second update--as promised about two weeks after our previous.  I had this update ready to go a couple days ago, but I had to wait for BackerKit to review the pledge manager.

We've just sent our pledge manager link to 5% of you!  If you're one of them (randomly picked) you'll have a message from BackerKit to that effect. I'll send the pledge manager link to the rest of you on Tuesday unless the smoke test finds an issue.  Note: We mostly need to do the survey because we need to ask which icon set(s) you want if you didn't pick all of them.

Also note: You won't be getting your licenses & icons immediately.  We're still working on some of that, but we do expect to get them this month--I'm targeting November 22nd.

Hopefully you saw there was a new release to the software a few days ago.  (We posted a video about it and if you're using the current 2025 demo version you likely saw an "Update Available" button in the menu bar.) It centers on the Export to UVTT format. Get it here.

As mentioned in the video about the UVTT export functionality... while the main feature is working, there is still much to do such as how to handle non-battlemats (a key stumbling block there is that the UVTT format has nothing about hex orientation or sizes of the other dimension). Plus, as I describe in the video, you need to make your walls break for any doors or windows.  Which Worldographer's battlemat generators don't do by default. So I'll have to address that in the coming days.  

Also as mentioned above, I still expect to be getting licenses & icon sets out to you by November 22nd but I am also continuing to spend a good chunk of time standardizing all the past icon sets.  (Setting them all up in similar folder structures, fixing some names, etc.) These will update the files on DriveThruRPG & our web store, so if you've already got them, you'll get the benefit of this work too! 

The writing for our next project, Hexploration Decks, led by Andrew Shields, is well underway! Over two-thirds of these cards feature fantasy locations with art on one side and charts on the back for bringing them to life in your campaign. About five cards offer hex-crawl and sandbox guidance, while the remaining ten add themes like hauntings or fey involvement for even more variation. A 54-card sample is linked on our campaign teaser page, and with a launch set for next year, we’ll have ample time to complete Worldographer 2025

Thanks again for your support!  




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