Inkwell Ideas
5 months ago

Project Update: On the Home Stretch, Poll #5 Results, & Next Poll

Thank you for your interest & supporting this project!  If you're still on the fence, this video has a good summary as well as a list of related videos below it. 

We've only got about two and a half days left, so we're into the home stretch.  If you see a post or ad about the project, please comment/like/share it if possible, depending on the platform.

Our 5th poll winner was "Import & export data in other formats (maybe markdown, csv, json, etc."  Because that's pretty closely tied to the UVTT export we're working on, we'll be working on those together over the coming weeks.

So time for poll #6.  Backers should see a link in an "Exclusive Content for Backers" section below to a new poll where we carried over the prior results and added a couple more as I scoured comments to our last poll's update and elsewhere.

And if you're curious about what other options were close to winning the poll, those within 10% were: Easy way to add unusual room shapes, Auto-generate more town types (elf, dwarf, Egypt, Norse, etc) if those icons are installed); More Battlemat Room Generator Types; and Have the nation generator use other icons if installed (elves, dwarves, Egypt, Japan, etc.)

Thanks again!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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