Larime Taylor / Gimp Comics
11 months ago

Project Update: Hospital

Taking Zoey for her daily run, then checking myself in at Sunrise Hospital. My wound is forming an abscess and not draining like it usually does. This is only the second time in the 20 or so years I've had it that it's done this. The first time, about ten years ago, I was in for about a week. Hoping it's not as long this time. 

My aids are still going to come over twice a day to clean up for Zelda and Zoey, make sure they have plenty of food and water, and give them a bit of company. It's leaving them home alone that I'm most upset about. They get very sad and mopey, especially after Sylv passed.

I'll be leaving instructions with a few people on what to do if the worst happens, but I'm fairly sure it won't come to that. Still, since it's just me, now, I need to be prepared.




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