Latest from the Creator
Lewd Dungeon Adventures
7 days ago
Digital Files Delivery and Charging for Pre-Orders on Monday
All digital files were delivered today. If the PDF bundle of our TTRPG was included with your order, you should have received an email from DriveThruRPG with your codes. These c...
Lewd Dungeon Adventures
8 days ago
Pre-Order Store Is Now Closed and Locking Orders
As we begin manufacturing the card game early next week, the pre-order store is now closed. We have also locked orders with a 48-hour window, which means you have 48 hours to ma...
Lewd Dungeon Adventures
12 days ago
Backer Surveys Are Going Out Today
Just wanted to give a heads-up that backer surveys will be going out today. You may have already received yours as part of our smoke test. The dice and health trackers will go i...
Lewd Dungeon Adventures
22 days ago
What Happens Next
First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who helped bring this project to life. Overall, you unlocked a total of 11 Stretch Goals, which resulted in 11 more cards added to t...
Lewd Dungeon Adventures
about 1 month ago
Let them eat Lewd cake
Any bakers in the house? Now is the time to show off your skills by submitting a picture of a cake with the word LEWD written on it. It doesn’t matter if you use icing or fondant; all that matters is that the word is clearly visible. This is our tastiest challenge yet. I’m get...
Lewd Dungeon Adventures
about 1 month ago
You crafty son of a…
Do you like making things? Maybe you’ve fabricated a weapon or sewn a costume for a cosplay. Then this is the challenge for you. Be a Lewd Dungeon Adventures Hero by creating a Lewd Dungeon Adventures t-shirt and taking a picture of you or someone else wearing it. This does no...
Lewd Dungeon Adventures
7 days ago

Project Update: Digital Files Delivery and Charging for Pre-Orders on Monday

All digital files were delivered today. If the PDF bundle of our TTRPG was included with your order, you should have received an email from DriveThruRPG with your codes. These codes should make the four books in the bundle all show up as $0. If they do not, contact DriveThruRPG, as this is a technical glitch on their end, and they can fix it for you. If you do not already have an account at DriveThruRPG, you may not have received the email. In this case, create an account on DriveThruRPG and then comment below or message me, and I can re-send the email. Also, please let me know if you have an account on DriveThruRPG and did not receive the email. I can send it again.

For those whose order included the 5e PDF bundle of our TTRPG, you can find a .zip with all files in the Digital Downloads section of your Backerkit account. We do not publish our 5e conversions on DriveThruRPG, so you will not be getting a link from them.

As the card game will be going into manufacturing on Monday, we will be charging for pre-orders on Monday. This only affects nine people, so the vast majority of you will not receive this notification, but I just wanted to make those who will be receiving it aware in advance.

I hope you are all having an excellent weekend!
user avatar image for Lewd Dungeon Adventures




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Lewd Dungeon Adventures
8 days ago

Project Update: Pre-Order Store Is Now Closed and Locking Orders

As we begin manufacturing the card game early next week, the pre-order store is now closed. We have also locked orders with a 48-hour window, which means you have 48 hours to make any modifications to your pledge. Please note that at this point, items can only be removed, not added, as the Health Trackers and Dice Sets are already in manufacturing.

We are currently looking at potentially delivering as early as mid-November. This will likely raise shipping costs, as it will fall within the holiday season shipping rates. Depending on how much costs increase, we may consider waiting to ship until after the holidays. Unfortunately, shipping rates won't drop again until February. Once everything is in our warehouse, we will assess current shipping rates, and if they are significantly different from what we originally projected, we will send out a poll allowing you to decide whether you'd like us to ship in November or February.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
user avatar image for Lewd Dungeon Adventures




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Lewd Dungeon Adventures
12 days ago

Project Update: Backer Surveys Are Going Out Today

Just wanted to give a heads-up that backer surveys will be going out today. You may have already received yours as part of our smoke test. The dice and health trackers will go into manufacturing by the end of the week, so anyone who hasn't corrected their payment by Friday may not get all their physical rewards. The only post-campaign add-on we're offering for this particular crowdfunding campaign is additional decks of the game. I ordered the final prototype of the game last week and should have a fairly accurate delivery time for this project by early next week, which will be announced in October's monthly update, since I know for certain that we will not be able to deliver before November.

As per initially discussed, we will not be charging for shipping until closer to the time that we plan to ship. 

I hope you guys and gals all have a fabulous week!
user avatar image for Lewd Dungeon Adventures




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Lewd Dungeon Adventures
22 days ago

Project Update: What Happens Next

First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who helped bring this project to life. Overall, you unlocked a total of 11 Stretch Goals, which resulted in 11 more cards added to the deck. It wasn't quite enough to unlock an official 3-player version of the game. However, I will include a section in the rules on how to modify the game for more than 2 players.

Our current estimated shipping date for this project is mid-December 2024. With that said, shipping during the holiday season will likely increase shipping rates. If it looks like that will be the actual ship time and it would result in increased shipping rates, we will put out a poll asking if you would prefer to wait for cheaper shipping after the holiday season. As always, the majority will rule.

All digital content will be delivered in mid-September. We will post another update once we make that delivery. Backerkit surveys will also go out in mid-September. We will not lock orders or charge for shipping until closer to our ship date.

That's all for now. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.




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Saw there was great success! Congratulations!

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