Lisa Ferland
16 days ago

Project Update: Launch Day Update - Secure your spot in the book!

Wow! Launch day is always so exciting and I'm absolutely blown away by the energy and enthusiasm around Ruby and the Off-Road Rally!

In just a few hours, we are already 38% the way to our goal, and 4 backers have customized their 4-wheeler in the book! There are only 6 customizable 4-wheelers left, so if you want to be IN the rally with Ruby and Scout, then be sure to pledge today here!

Here are some mid-launch day stats for you!

  • 53 books pledged, 29 books donated - you all are amazing!
  • 28 new backers, 5 returning backers - thank you, everyone!! 
  • $1500 pledged so far! - Amazing!!
  • 5 hours spent on TikTok live chatting with readers - phew! I'm tired! 

Thank you for all of the pledges and shares! We can't get across the finish line without you!

If you haven't yet pledged yet, there is still time to get an extra copy for FREE as we are still in the BOGO timeframe.  Click here to pledge 

Thank you all for being so supportive! :-)

34 votes • 5 days left
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