Lisa Ferland
5 months ago

Project Update: What happens next?

One week ago, Ruby and Scout zoomed across the finish line, thanks to your help and support! We are so grateful to everyone who cheered us on during the campaign!

So...what happens next?

Ruby's manuscript is currently in the second round of edits, so she is safely in the hands of our trusted children's book editor. We started with 1100 words and are reshaping the story to 700-800 words without losing the story's integrity.

The final manuscript will be completed by October 29th, and then Ruby will go to Alvin Adhi for illustration!

Toward the end of October/early November, we will contact the backers who selected the Customize Your Own 4-Wheeler Reward so that you can design your character for Alvin to illustrate in the book. If that applies to you, keep an eye on your inbox! :-)

Please Note: We have had 18 backers' pledges fail (~$1000), so please take a look at your BackerKit account and double-check that everything went through.

If you need to update your CC information, please do so as soon as possible so we can continue production and bring this fun book to you as quickly as possible! Please reach out if you're having any issues.

Let us know if you have any questions or need any help!

Vroom, vroom!
Lisa and Julie

(Lisa's email is [email protected] if you want to reach out privately).

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