7 days ago

Project Update: China is back and the draft is complete!

Hey friends,

Quickie update with everything that's going on:

  • Pendants are ordered. We ordered a few extra than what's needed, so for those of you looking to get one (or extra), we'll have a few more available when the Pledge Manager opens.
  • Dice are ordered. The company making them just got back in, and they should start the process of shipping them soon.
  • The draft for the book is completed. I will be reviewing it for its "5e-ness", making edits, and formatting it. A few extra pieces of art might be needed, but otherwise, it's mostly done. I will probably work on this once I get back from the GAMA trade expo the last month. Once it's released we'll do an "alpha" release to catch any typos or answer any questions about it. And then follow it up with a "full" release.
  • Although it's hard to know what will happen during all the trade kerfuffles coming up, I expect we'll probably place an order for the book sometime in March or April once the PDF is out. 
  • You can expect the Pledge Manager to open up probably in March at some time, if not sooner. I'd like to open the PM and give you the PDF right away, so that's all that's really holding that up. That way you'll get charged for shipping/add-ons around the same time we're receiving the goods. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions, hit us up here or at [email protected]


 - Dave and Mage Armoire




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