Frank Anthony
about 1 month ago

Project Update: KICKSTARTER LAUNCH DATE - 10-15-2024

I sincerely hope everyone reading this is safe from these horrible hurricanes.

For all that are interested (we have a combined 1,100 people interested or following this project, and we are very grateful for that) we have a tentative KICKSTARTER LAUNCH DATE of next Tuesday afternoon, October 15th, 2024 at approximately 7:00 pm.
We are informing you of this for a couple/few reasons.

1. If anything changes, and if you are interested, you want to CLICK ON THE NOTIFY ME ON LAUNCH button.

2. This helps us out because it shows proof there are people interested in the project. This gets more people interested in the project as it projects the perceived SCOPE of it.

We have added a bunch of new things. 120 SPELL CARDS and (currently) 8 awesome and mostly EXCLUSIVE DIGITAL STRETCH GOALS you can only find in this campaign!

To those on Backerkit who saw the potential of this project, those who liked our FB ad pages, joined our VIP FB GROUP, and signed up for the $1.00 VIP SPECIAL LOST SPELL BOOK, THANK YOU! But we also thank all who are interested. For only $10, you can receive ALL stretch goals that we meet free of charge. THIS ALSO GOES FOR OUR AWESOME BACKERKIT SPONSORS!

We have provided a PREVIEW LINK so you can click on the black button known as NOTIFY ME ON LAUNCH. We have new stuff and another 48-HOUR EARLY BIRD OPTION and more.

We thank you all again very much! We hope to see you again on October 15, 2024!

Also, we cannot express this enough. The $1.00 VIP special offer is really a great offer. For ANY print order you make, and for a mere $1.00 paid up front, you get this incredible 32-page SOFTCOVER AND DIGITAL PDF LOST SPELL BOOK. It is $7 and $13 as an ADD-ON, not including shipping, so if you want a great deal, you still have about 5 and a half days to sign up!

Frank Anthony

user avatar image for Frank Anthony




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