Jerod Bennett
Repeat Backer Badge
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Human Update

Hey folks! We hope you’re enjoying the holidays! We are MOSTLY trying to take it easy over the break but we actually love working on this stuff and sharing it with you. It’s exciting! 

When we first started planning this backerkit campaign we had a lot of ideas for what kinds of stuff we wanted to show off, and we knew we wouldn’t have time to get it all done by our launch date. So we ended up with art for the Revenant finished in time, but no text or design, and the text and design done for the Human entry, but no art.

Once the Backerkit campaign was clearly doing well (massive understatement) finishing these things for you folks to check out was a no brainer.

So here’s the last preview of the game! 😀 Obviously none of this is final. We might take an entirely different approach to how we present information in the finished game, but this absolutely represents what we like, and how we intend to go about it. 

It is fun to make this stuff, and we hope that comes across in the preview.

We’re sure there are folks who have their own ideas about What Humans Are About in their world or game, but we also have ideas! And we assume folks who have their own idiosyncratic ideas about different ancestries will homebrew their own. Just like we did when we all started worldbuilding as kids discovering the hobby for the first time. It’s fun to think about “what makes these people distinct and fun?” 

So we may change how we present these ideas, but it’s unlikely we’re going to throw out the ideas themselves. We like this take on humans! This is sort of our whole philosophy. We get inspired, that inspiration drives us to create, and the finished product appeals a lot to some people! But not everybody! That is just the bog-standard, normal creative process.

Maybe this will get folks to get a little more excited about playing a human? I mean, probably not, we’re all already playing humans and where’s the fun in that? But maybe! 😀






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