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SHIVER Classified: A Conspiracy TTRPG

SHIVER Classified: A Conspiracy TTRPG

Uncover secrets and keep conspiracies under wraps. Become a secret agent across time in the award winning SHIVER TTRPG.
£35,540 🎉
of ÂŁ10,000
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Ever wondered about whether conspiracies are true? Do aliens exist? Is the Earth hollow? Are birds real?  Well now you can find out the TRUTH! SHIVER Classified is a roleplaying game in which you take on the role of an agent of L.A.N.C.E. An ancient secret organisation with one mission. Keep the world safe as you fight everything from Cthulhu to chem-trails.

Your agent will be tasked uncovering secrets and then making sure conspiracies are kept, secure, and most importantly, hidden from the world. Agent's jobs range from uncovering mysteries in isolated towns, to conducting pinpoint military strikes on hidden doomsday cults. Are you up to the task? And arguably the most important question of all: Can you keep a secret?


SHIVER is the scary movie tabletop roleplaying game. A TTRPG that brings tales of the mysterious, the peculiar, and the strange to life. SHIVER is inspired by a love of classic horror & pulp novels, movies, and TV shows allowing you to play stories in all your favourite worlds, as well as create ones of your own.

Set your story in any time and place, with any cast of characters you want. From modern gun toting soldiers in the arctic tundra, to sword wielding knights delving into an ancient crypt. The choice is yours.

SHIVER is an easy to learn and innovative game system. Focussing on fast paced story telling with rules friendly to both new roleplayers and dice rolling veterans. Unleash movie night on the tabletop with the SHIVER's narrative rules perfect for both one shots and longer stories.


L.A.N.C.E. or The Legion Against Nefarious Clandestine Evils was founded formally in Albion during the 1800's but its history stretches back much further. From Arthurian knights battling fabled monsters, to the Van Helsing family’s exploits - these and many more play a part in the history of L.A.N.C.E. These disparate entities operated individually until L.A.N.C.E. was formed, uniting them globally in a common goal: keeping humanity safe from the things that lurk in the shadows.

L.A.N.C.E. operates across the globe. In its employ are agents of all talents and skill sets. From military special operatives to experts in the occult, there is a place for anyone with tight lips and the dedication that L.A.N.C.E. requires. These agents will be the characters you play as you uncover secrets and then attempt to keep them.

#DSN Put those three letters in order đź‘€


For SHIVER Classified we'll be releasing 2 brand new books, packed with conspiracies and secrets galore. They'll contain everything you need to create L.A.N.C.E. agents for whatever missions and mysteries you can conjure up. Both books require the SHIVER core rule book, or one of the SHIVER Starter Boxes to play. These are both available as both add ons and as part of pledge bundles as well!

SHIVER Classified: Agents of L.A.N.C.E. has everything you need to create your budding clandestine characters. This book focuses on the breadth of mysteries and horrors that agents face as part of their employment. Looking at conspiracies as they're uncovered, before they're quickly covered up again. Alongside agent creation there will be a selection of wide breadth of stories from L.A.N.C.E.'s archives for players to explore.

SHIVER Classified: The Unseen War concentrates on the sharp end of L.A.N.C.E.'s operations throughout history. This book contains further tools and rules for agents in a more combat oriented posting as they attempt to keep things secret. The collection of stories inside spans the agency's long tenure. From fighting  rogue Nazi A.I.s, to sentient Soviet plastics, there are plenty of battles throughout history that have been kept out of the public eye. Hidden in dossiers and redacted to within an inch of their lives only you, the agents who were there, will really know the truth.


The SHIVER Core Rulebook provides the tools for creating any world of your choosing. A broad brush of horror if you will. But for those who have a more specific story interest, we have created SHIVER Genre Expansions. Think of these like the sections in a library or a video store, still part of the greater narrative world, but their own little corner of it. 

SHIVER Genre Expansions delve deep into a specific category of stories. Each one adding new rules, items, enemies and stories relating to that specific genre. SHIVER Classified is the 4th such SHIVER Genre Expansion. Delving specifically into the world of conspiracies, mysteries and secrets. But for those interested in the broader world of SHIVER here's a quick summary of our other Genres.

All of these Genre Expansions are available as part of pledges or as add-ons as part of the SHIVER Classified launch.

SHIVER Gothic explores the world of classic horror. Werewolves, vampires, and all things that go bump in the night. Set in our Ennie nominated gothic setting, an alternate version of our world. There are currently two books in the SHIVER Gothic world.

The Ennie nominated Secrets of Spireholm which contains a huge gothic sandbox walled city setting for you to stage your classic horror adventures in. A 10 chapter story to play in that setting. But most importantly. Rules for creating monstrous characters, so you can become anything from Frankenstein's monster to the Invisible Man.

Disciples of Dregstone adds to the Spireholm setting. Dregstone resides underneath Spireholm. A world where all that is cast of ends up. Take part in a revolution of the Scorians. The rats of the tunnels who through the touch of alchemy have been transformed into sentient creatures and are now under the oppressive rule of a tyrannical rat king. Inside you'll find a story, items, enemies and rules for playing as the scurrying Scorians themselves.

SHIVER Slasher digs into the beloved genre of terrifying murderers that are slashers. Everything from axe wielding mascots to giant owls the Slasher genre never fails to bring exciting and terrifying conflicts to the table.

Generation Murder is our main SHIVER Slasher book and contains rules for creating your own Slasher movie franchise, with generation rules that allow characters or their descendants to return for future sequels. The book also digs into the history of cinema with a Slasher movie franchise to play through yourselves. You can also grab a SHIVER Slasher Starter Set, this contains everything you'd need to start playing SHIVER including a condensed rulebook, dice, and a murderous adventure at a summer camp.

SHIVER Blockbuster dives into the thrilling and action packed world of Blockbuster cinema. For those who like their movies packed with a few less scares. From swashbuckling pirates to sharks eating boats there's big screen action for everyone.

Legends of the Silver Scream serves up a helping of different Blockbuster titles for players to explore as well as rules for tying together you blockbuster films into actors careers. Play your role well, win awards, dazzle the audience and get rewarded in your future film stories. Alongside the book the SHIVER Blockbuster Starter Set contains everything you'd need to start playing SHIVER including a condensed rulebook, dice, and an epic adventure full of dinosaurs and a billionaire's bad decisions.

SHIVER Patreon - We're constantly exploring other genres for SHIVER many of which don't have books yet. If you want to see what things we're working on you can follow the SHIVER Patreon where you can get early access and sneak peeks of upcoming releases.

SHIVER Classified uses the award winning Archetype system. Rather than counting up dots and doing mental arithmetic the Archetype system uses purely symbolic dice. Trying to kick open a door, you’ll be looking for the symbols for Grit (physical prowess) on your roll. Trying to pick a lock? You'll be looking for Wit symbols.

But the dice may have a different idea. Sometimes the dice will present you with a different path, rolled no Grit but a lot of Smarts symbols to kick that door open? Perhaps you search for a key under the doormat, or find a Smarter solution than using you might. Success and Failure is not binary in SHIVER.

Don't want to pick up a set of dice? Play online?
You can find our free online dice roller here.

In SHIVER players take on the role of a character Archetype. These will all be familiar to you from your favourite stories. The strong and physical Warrior. The dextrous and wily Maverick. The smooth talking and magnetic Socialite. The intelligent and innovative Scholar. The loveable and completely clueless Fool. The mysterious and peculiar Weird. The regimented and resolute Survivor

With the exception of the Survivor, each of these Archetypes are linked to one of SHIVER’s Core Skills. Grit, Wit, Smarts, Heart, Luck, & Strange. Each Archetype boasts a unique set of abilities and backgrounds to flesh out your character based around their specialised Core Skill. 'The Warrior' has physical Grit abilities, whilst 'The Scholar' uses brain over brawn with Smarts abilities.

The Archetypes have huge variety and there are even rules in the Core Book for Hybrid Archetypes so you’ll be able to assemble a cast worthy of any story, be you hunting vampires, escaping certain death or uncovering ancient mysteries.

SHIVER has another trick up its sleeve for budding Directors. The Doom Clock. As players fail rolls, make bad decisions, or destabilise the story the clock will tick up. As the Doom Clock ticks up the Director may unleash Doom Events to drive the story forward and scare the players senseless!This could be anything from cutting the power, to unleashing a horde of rats, whatever works for your story.





Charlie is an award-winning writer, game designer, and lover of all things creepy and strange. His love of horror movies and stories of the unexplained has been a great influence for SHIVER: Classified. With nearly a decade of experience in film and TV he has taken his know-how for large projects on the big screen and brought them to the tabletop.

Adam is secretly a bunch of rabbits stuffed into a skin suit. A lifelong devotee of horrific and uncomfortable things, he cherishes the opportunity to impose the weird and nightmarish stories that comprise SHIVER: Classified upon the suspecting (and hopefully eager) RPG public. Don't talk to him about Scream, A Nightmare on Elm Street, or Watership Down, or else you will be here all day. Also an Award Winning writer who hates discussing himself - especially in the third person. 

Ben is an award nominated artist and game designer, whose work has helped to develop the look of SHIVER. Before working in the tabletop space he had a career as a graphic designer working in branding and marketing, and enjoys using his experience in the tabletop world.

Barney is game designer, editor and chief dossier redacted on this project. A big fan alternate weird history fiction the Unseen War has been one of his favourite SHIVER projects to work on to date. He is also our Production Manager organising manufacture and logistics to to get gorgeous game books directly into your hands. Barney’s decade of Tabletop Industry experience at the helm of a local game store has given him key insights into the type of games players want and a passion to make them come to life!


See the map above for our current estimated shipping prices to all regions for Classified Starter Pack pledges. We are aiming to get lower prices for Physically Classified pledges. Larger pledges may have increased pricing depending on weight and location. Please be aware that these prices are subject to change as international shipping conditions shift. Shipping and any applicable taxes will be charged during the pledge manager after the campaign ends.

SPLIT SHIPPING is now available! You'll have the option to get existing SHIVER books early ahead of your SHIVER Classified rewards. 
Read our update here for full details.

We're teaming up with a number of global fulfilment centres to get the best possible prices for worldwide shipping. Depending upon where your rewards are being shipped, you may be liable to pay customs charges on your package. However, we’ve currently secured customs-friendly shipping for the US, CA, EU, and UK.

As we're sure you all know, global shipping and manufacturing chains have become slightly more unpredictable since COVID-19 (although it has gotten alot better recently). As a result, we have been conservative with our estimation for shipping times of Physical Rewards. We hope to get them out a little faster but the world is a tumultuous place. To guarantee as accurate prices at the time of fulfilment, we will be working with Backerkit to collect all shipping fees and taxes after the campaign through their pledge manager.

Long-lasting design
SHIVER books are only available in high quality hardback. We know roleplaying books can take a beating if you travel a lot to play so we wanted to make sure we would make something that would last as you face the horrors of your story worlds.

Sustainable materials
Our books are printed at an FSC supply chain certified printers to ensure that our books come from responsibly sourced and managed forests.

Environmentally friendly factories
We work with book suppliers in the EU who guarantee to make their printing process as ecological as possible. Reducing paper wastage to make sure only what is needed is used.

Sustainable Distribution
We are taking steps to reduce the movements of goods as much as possible and manufacturing small batch items in country where possible. This will help us reduce excess movement of products as much as we can whilst still being able to get copies of the game to a global audience.

Digital Copies
We wanted to give players to option to play without having to own anything physical. We have made PDF versions of all the game books, a player’s record can be entirely digital as well meaning nothing need be consumed in order to play should you so choose.
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