Deadlands Lost Colony: Mad World

Deadlands Lost Colony: Mad World

Mad World is a 96-page Deadlands: Lost Colony expansion where Pestilence unleashes a deadly plague! Battle infected horrors, toxic jungles, and the Lord of Flies himself to save Banshee! Includes new gear, Edges, and a 6-part campaign.
$29,810 🎉
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In the farthest reaches of the cosmos the last remnants of humanity struggle to survive on Banshee, a living planet teeming with alien creatures and corrupt magic. Mad World is the second of three supplements continuing the Reckoner plot arc which began in the Deadlands: Lost Colony core book. War and Famine have fallen, and now it's Pestilence's turn.

This 96-page hardback supplement moves the story of the Lost Colony towards it's epic climax and details the deadly region on Banshee known as the Toxic Jungle, and the nearby city of Seaside.

Visit new and dangerous locations along the Trail of Spears

Mad World also encompasses a six-part Plot Point™ campaign that covers Pestilence’s desperate bid to create a plague so virulent it could kill Banshee herself. The posse must overcome lockdowns, infected walkin' dead, berserk anouks, poisonous critters, and the nefarious Reapers if they hope to stop the Lord of Flies in time. New Savage Tales and new enemies add depth to the proceedings and opportunities for adventures beyond the campaign. 

In addition to all that, Mad World has new options for heroes:

  • New Edges and Hindrances for Anouk and Banshee Born explorers accustomed to the rigors of the Toxic Jungle (and a little something for Harrowed too).
  • New Gear and weapons to help the posse survive, including new Mods to trick out your land rover.

Mad World requires Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and Deadlands: Lost Colony to play.


The Mad World sourcebook will be available for retail, but during this campaign we're offering the option to upgrade to the Plus experience and get some goodies that won't be packaged for retail or normally available on our site. Mad World Plus is your chance to get the Mad World Campaign Exclusives. These fun extras come bundled with the Mad World book with the Mad World Plus pledge and and the Lost Colony Roundup pledge. We are only printing a limited number of these, and when they're gone, they're gone! 

Pestilence Bounty Card

The Reckoners are known enemies of humanity with a price on their heads—not that any but the hardiest of heroes can hope to claim it! This oversized, foil card features the Reckoner on one side, with the trophy a character earns for defeating him on the reverse. After all, when a Reckoner falls, the posse claims a piece of their power.

War and Famine have already come and gone, so get Pestilence now while you can, and keep an eye out for the final chapter of the Reckoner Saga (featuring none other than Death himself) to complete your collection.

Updated Lost Colony Archetype Cards

The Lost Colony Boxed Set came with 12 archetype cards to get your group into the game quickly. This new printing of the Archetypes upgrade the original 12 characters from Novice to Seasoned, and updates them (and the setting itself) to use the More Skill Points Setting Rule. The digital versions of the cards are available and will get upgraded automatically, but this is the only way to get them in print!

Mad World Pawns

Our awe-inspiring die-cut Pawns didn't exist when the Lost Colony Boxed Set launched. Maw of Oblivion brought Pawns to Deadlands: Lost Colony, and Mad World Plus is an opportunity to extend that resource with the allies and foes faced in the Mad World campaign. Get pawns for Pestilence and his vile forces, the strange anouk of the Toxic Jungle, creatures like the mighty Tohraka, and the six-wheeled Ground Grinder vehicle the posse has the chance to drive along the Trail of Spears.

Toxic Jungle/Seaside Fold Out Map

A double-sided, 9" by 12" fold out map featuring a section of the Trail of Spears from the Mad World campaign on one side and an overview map of Seaside on the other. Great for setting the scene and helping the posse figure where they are and where they're going.

Seaside is the second largest city and spaceport on Banshee

Vehicle Cards for the Reckless and the Ground Grinder

The Science Fiction Companion introduced handy vehicle cards for players to use in Chases and other confrontations, and we wanted to bring that same convenience to Deadlands: Lost Colony. The Reckless is a haunted space freighter that features heavily in Deadlands: Lost Colony and Maw of Oblivion. It may also appear in Mad World, alongside a new land vehicle: the hardy Ground Grinder.

A hundred years after the events of Deadlands, the Four Horsemen finally had their way, and now Earth is an irradiated wasteland. Before the end, spaceships brought prospectors, homesteaders, and intrepid Rangers to the Faraway system. They found ghost rock, new lifeforms, and Banshee—a living world with a spirit of her own. Unfortunately, the Reckoners found their way to Banshee, too. Now the last of the human race and the denizens of Banshee must work together or see another world become a Deadland at the hands of the Reckoners.

Back on Earth, the Reckoners were in charge, but things are different in the Faraway system. The journey  weakened them, and the posse has new tools to use against them. Banshee herself is a weapon: a mineral she produces called tannis can harm the ancient evils. The treacherous Hellstromme Industries has produced technology that can trap and dissolve the Horsemen. While the Reckoners hide and rejuvenate their powers, the posse are on the attack.

One way or another, War and Famine have already fallen. Pestilence has regained enough strength to go on the offense, and now Seaside and the Toxic Jungle are a contaminated plague zone teeming with madness and death. If the Lord of Flies is not stopped in time, Banshee herself could fall victim to his pandemic and become a Mad World—and eventually a dead one!


Deadlands: Lost Colony requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to play.

For the uninitiated, players roll trait dice from d4 to d12, plus a Wild Die (a d6), and take whichever result is better, hoping to hit a Target Number (usually 4). Beating the Target Number by 4 or more is called a raise, and grants extra benefits. Dice that roll the maximum number "Ace" and roll again to add to the previous total, so any roll can succeed if you're lucky enough.

Players get a little extra control in the form of "Bennies," chips they can spend to try a roll again or mitigate damage.

The result is Fast, Furious, and Fun! If you're new to Savage Worlds, check it out at! It handles everything from super heroes to spaceships to fantasy and of course horror!


Mad World is written and playtested. Your support allows us to help boost the signal to other fans—by far the hardest challenge for a small company like ours. We deliver the first PDF a few weeks after the project funds.  This means delivery of the main PDFs about a month after funding and the physical products about 10 months later depending on the printer and shipping, and barring unforeseen mishaps like world-wide shipping catastrophes!


Retailers will have the opportunity to pre-order the products from this campaign directly at to take advantage of the retailer-exclusive discounts and shipping rates as part of our Savage Worlds Retailer program! We will notify all of our program members when the pre-order period opens during this campaign! Retailers also get their rewards when backer orders go out, usually several weeks before they show up in the traditional distribution chain. Retailers should email [email protected] to get started.

Digital Rewards

We deliver PDF materials through the Pinnacle website and

Physical Rewards

After the campaign ends we'll open a pledge manager phase to collate the physical pledges and then collect shipping once the product is on its way from the printer. You can upgrade your pledge or include more add ons in your order while the pledge manager is open.

Shipping prices are changing rapidly in the current climate, and despite our best efforts global supply chains remain volatile. Given all that's going on in the world, providing an estimate of the rates now rather than closer to shipping is nothing more than a guess.

Our long-time friends at Studio 2 Publishing will handle all domestic shipping, and we worked hard to build relationships with partners around the world. Backers should see costs closer to local rates, and orders to the EU, UK, Canada, and Australia will be Customs friendly.

Since we can't tell you what those rates will be yet, any backer who wishes can downgrade their pledge to the nearest digital option once the rates are established and we'll refund the difference—no questions asked.
Any Questions? Email Pinnacle customer service at [email protected].
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