Pledge Levels
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Get all the current divination tools of the Publishing Goblin!
The Alleyman's Tarot, the Alleyway Tarot, the Oracle of Secrets, the Oracle of Play, The Pub Gob's Oracle Dice 2nd ed, and the Deluxe Edition of the Misery Tarot!
*Shipping will be charged at a later date*
Includes 10 items
×1The Misery Tarot
×1The Book of Blood & Rust
×1Black Lantern Oracle Dice
×1Misery Art Prints
×1Reading Cloth
The Twisted Collection: Deluxe Edition
207 Backers
This Deluxe Edition also includes: Glow in the Dark Black Lantern Oracle Dice Set, Art Prints, Dark Path Journal, Black Seal Tarot Card Stand and Reading Cloth.
*Shipping to be charged in the pledgemanager closer to the ship date*
Includes 7 items
×1The Misery Tarot
×1The Book of Blood & Rust
×1Black Lantern Oracle Dice
×1Misery Art Prints
×1Reading Cloth
Blood & Rust: The Misery Tarot
458 Backers
Includes the tarot deck and guidebook in its box.
*Shipping will be charged at a later date*
Includes 2 items
×1The Misery Tarot
×1The Book of Blood & Rust
Approach the Altar - EARLYBIRD
0 remaining
Get the deck and guidebook for cheaper, limited and likely to disappear quickly.
*Shipping will be charged at a later date.*
Includes 2 items
×1The Misery Tarot
×1The Book of Blood & Rust
A Goblin's Thanks
25 Backers
Say hi and send in some support for the project even if you don't want a copy. Thanks for supporting independent publishing and art!
The Darkkeste Nightmair Imaginuble
5 remaining
The Deluxe Edition, somehow way too cheap. Somehow. Get it before you wake up from this nightmare!
Includes 7 items
×1The Misery Tarot
×1The Book of Blood & Rust
×1Black Lantern Oracle Dice
×1Misery Art Prints
×1Reading Cloth
The Cheeper Community Copy as a pledge tho
4 Backers
Community Copy
Includes 1 item
×1Community Copy