Publishing Goblin
about 2 months ago

Project Update: The Suit of Wounds Arrives | A Fantastic First Day!

Hello fellow travelers on the paths of Misery,
(And if you haven't backed the Misery Tarot yet, now is the perfect time!)

We are approaching 36 hours since launch, and we are just about to come over the $30k mark! And that's awesome. I bet we can even be funded before we hit 48 hours, and that's an awesome thing to hear for a project going live in December of all times!

So Enoch has a surprise for us, the Suit of Wounds in its entirety.

The Suit of Wounds is our Folly Suit-- our Jokers, if you will. Before us stand the Ruler and the Denizen of the house of Wounds-- the wanderers of the halls of misery. The Jester, who flails about and hurts themselves and others alike, unable to escape their pain, and unwilling to confront it, making excuses and lashing out against anyone who would question their pain. And, of course, the Marquis, who has set down to rule over their throne of blood and shit, alone and somber in the dark. Candles light them, but they are alone in the cold. They have stayed in their suffering and made it a crown, scepter and orb spined and stabbing them through. 

The other 7 suits have true houses, paths, suits. But the Suit of Wounds is alone, wandering the waste of the suffering fields of pain. You might also note that the card frame is a little different on these two-- each suit has their own card frame with elements of their trait. Wounds is cut and bleeding.

Tomorrow, I fly out to Philadelphia for Pax Unplugged, where I will be plugging this deck heavily, so hopefully we will be seeing many new faces join us for the Misery Tarot.

So if you're out that way, say hi while you're there! I'll be in Pub Gob shirts the whole time.
Otherwise, let me know what your thoughts are on the deck, the campaign-- what things you want clarified, or might want to know! Or maybe extra items you'd like to have included!

Thanks so much friends, and talk again soon as we reach our funding goal!

your Pub Gob




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