American and Canadian dice sets are on the way to the US still, and international orders are already traveling out into the world! Now, there are roughly 70 people who never finished their surveys, and of the rest who did, about 100 of the 3400 people have had their shipping charges or pledge charges fail to go through still today.
This means there are 170 of you who need to 1) get your survey done if you haven't so we can get you setup with shipping charges and so we have your address, and 2) get your shipping paid.
The Final Deadline
3311 of you already have your items coming to you, one way or another! US and Canadian backers have their items coming overseas still, and should have those enter the USPS rapidly at the end of the month here. I've been informed it should be arriving in the US this weekend, but I will update when I know more. International backers have your items coming to you already in the mail! You will receive notices with tracking this weekend into next week. The Community Copies were also all sent out in these batches, and I'm very pleased to have gotten so many (over 50!) free sets to people!
For the 170 people still fixing shipping costs and surveys, you have until May 16th to get it done, or to reach out to Backerkit support/me for any assistance you need to get things set in place. Up to and about a week after that time, I will put orders through with New Titan to fulfill them.
After that time (May 16th, 2023), any unclaimed rewards will be forfeit. I have a difficult time the larger these projects get maintaining late surveys and shipping orders. There are still 200 people on the Alleyman's Tarot who never filled out their surveys. Here and now, and into the future, I'm putting some limits on all future projects for how long after we fulfill I'll accept and handle late orders.
If you talk to me now I can always be flexible for things I am made aware of! But there does need to be a final deadline in place, or else sometimes I find people expect me to fulfill 1, 2, even 4 years later, when I no longer have the product! (That just happened!)
After May 16th, any pledges left unclaimed, either because surveys were left undone, or shipping left unpaid, will consider the pledge rewards forfeit. I will not be doing refunds on those, with the funds paid-in considered support for the project.
Need Help?
Reach out to backerkit support for assistance! If they can't fix it they will forward you to me, so be sure to use that channel! It will get to whoever can help, one way or another.
The Oracles!
I truly appreciate all of your support. I literally cannot make ends meet without your support financially, or keep chugging along on the creation engine without your emotional support. It takes so much to make all this work, to manage all the parts I manage, and I now support many people beyond myself in many different capacities. To keep this forward momentum, I want to remind everyone about the Alleyway Oracles, which is launching on May 16th!
The Alleyway Oracles!
The Alleyway Oracles by Publishing Goblin — Kickstarter