Redmatter Creations
4 months ago

Project Update: The Bright Spot Surveys and Digital Wallpapers

Hello Backers!

A quick(?) update for you all. 


Surveys will be sent out soon. Be sure to check your email for any The Bright Spot links. You'll be redirected to Backerkit's Pledge manager where you can confirm your addons, pay for shipping, and enter your address.

Backerkit's pledge manager is a very powerful (and quite complicated) tool, so I wanted to spend the extra time to make sure I got everything correct.

Those who are eligible for the Early Bird incentive will be able to choose one of four stickers (or get one at random) to be sent along with their physical items. If you are eligible, but made a digital only pledge, you will need to pay for shipping for the single sticker. If you live outside of the US, shipping may be pretty high, especially for one item. You should be able to opt-out of receiving the incentive to avoid paying high shipping fees.

I will be conducting a smoke test tomorrow where very few of you will receive surveys. This is so that me and the Backerkit team can spot any issues within the pledge manager and fix them before the rest of you get your surveys.

Here's a quick look at what to expect with the pledge manager.


Compressed Version. Download file from the link below for 4k resolution
The digital wallpapers are finally ready. There are wallpapers for both your Desktop PC and Mobile devices. There are multiple options for you to choose which one you like best!

You can download them here

Preview Chapter 1

In case you missed the last update, I am releasing the first few chapters of The Bright Spot periodically.
You can read it here. (The link may stop working in a week as I move over to a new domain.)

Draft 2 Progress

Progress is moving slower than I expected. I am rewriting the entire manuscript, cutting a ton of content, while also implementing and improving more. I can no longer write what comes to mind. Each decision made has to be carefully thought through. This takes a lot of time and energy. At the moment, the second draft sits at around 27k words at about 30%. 

A March release for backers and a June full release is still planned, but it still is subject to change. In November I will be sending off my second draft to an editor and beta readers to start the third draft in December (hopefully).

If I missed anything important, I'll probably send out another update.
Ride With The Sun!




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