Redmatter Creations
about 1 month ago

Project Update: The Bright Spot First Draft is Finished!

First draft is finished!

Holy crap it has been a crazy two months. The Bright Spot has been a passion project of mine for quite some time. Almost a whole year ago in September of 2023, I came up with the idea of a faded world with a small section of life. 

I finished the full first draft of this book at around 80,000 words. I will say, this story is not the same as it once was a year ago. Many things, ideas, and people were missing back then. But this epic journey brought those characters to life and the story is better for it.

As with everything, writing a novel is NOT easy, but with this crowdfunding campaign and a consistent writing schedule, I have been able to finally push it out. But not without help from over 54 people who've signed up for the prelaunch. Without you all and your support, this idea would have been scrapped long ago for being 'too hard.' But I have to thank each and every one of you for helping me stick it through. 

I am going to take a break from this project for a couple of weeks before going through with revisions. I really don't know how long revising a novel takes, but I'll say revision two is going to take at most, 6 weeks. I will then have another six weeks for beta reading and revisions for the third draft. Then I will go and proofread everything to make sure that my prose is a-ok and The Bright Spot should be (hopefully) completely finished. I think it would be really really cool to have my book finished and fulfilled to my backers by Christmas time, but might take a miracle. I will keep you updated.

You may be wondering if I am planning on writing even more books in the future. To that you will have to wait and see!

Updated Blurb, ISBN, and Full Cover Design Revealed!

Of course during the book's development, the overall vision of the story changes slightly, so an updated blurb is appropriate. Let me know what you think of these changes!

So far I am only offering TBS as a paperback copy through Backerkit. However if you all collectively help raise $3000 USD I will offer The Bright Spot as a signed hardback copy that you can upgrade to in the pledge manager after the campaign is over.

Another update that isn't as fun is the availability of an audiobook. Audiobooks are hard to produce and take just as much effort as writing the book. The audiobook will no longer be included as a pledge. However, there is a bright side to this (pun intended). If we can raise $4000 USD, that should help fund the entirety of an audiobook narrator for you to be able to bless your earholes with.

Booktopia Cross Collab Event

As you may know, Belinda Crawford and I have partnered up in the Booktopia event. You can get both of our exclusive Oracle Cards by pledging for BOTH Crawford's campaign and my campaign. If you pledge for just one campaign, you will miss out on all six (6) cards.
She made this lovely design detailing our rewards

Booktopia contains many creators who are also doing Oracle Cards as Cross-Collaboration rewards. More details to come. However if you pledge for five (5) or more projects in Booktopia, you will recieve an exclusive, premium, high-quality, STEEL Booktopia 2024 bookmark (Design pending) So keep an eye out for that.

That's it for now

As a writer I have to put on a lot of hats. It has me feeling like Wayne from Mistborn. I hope that if you are reading this, that you'll stick around and pledge for The Bright Spot on September 5.




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