Redmatter Creations
23 days ago

Project Update: One Week until Launch

Hey all! Its been a wild ride! 

Just wanted to let everyone know that the campaign launches in a week from today. Over the last month I have lowered the campaign's goal from $2000 to $1000 to $500. If the campaign fails, then those who have backed will not have their credit cards charged. If you make a pledge and the campaign succeeds, your cards wont be charged until after the campaign ends (Sept 26).

As an incentive for backing early, everyone who backs within the first 48 hours of the campaign will receive a random sticker along with their package.
Shipping is not included for the physical pledges and you will have to pay for it separately in the pledge manager after the campaign ends. 

US: $4.63 USD 
UK:  £22.97 ($30.45 USD)
AUS:  $44.82 AUD ($39.30 USD)

If you are curious about shipping in a different country, please email me at [email protected] and I will get back to you ASAP!

If you remember from my previous update I have finished the first draft of the Bright Spot and am planning on taking a month away from the book before I start revisions. This will allow me to have a clean, fresh perspective on it when I return. I'm already thinking that I may need to rewrite and rethink the first half. Character Arcs aren't lining up how I want them to be and I know it's going to be a grueling task. Even more grueling than the first draft. 

In the meantime, I'm working on something else that I am very excited about. Keep your eyes and ears open for news on that project.

For an updated timeline, I'm giving myself a generous amount of time to focus on revisions, beta readers and editing. I'm sorry I teased a Christmas release in my previous update. That would take a miracle. I've never published a book before so getting timings correct isn't something I'm familiar with. I'd like to guess that all backers should have a copy of The Bright Spot in their hands Q1 of 2025, and will go up for retail on amazon in Q2 of 2025. 


Will there be a hardcover edition of The Bright Spot
Depends on how much we can raise. If we can raise $3000 or more, I will let everyone upgrade their editions to a hardcover edition in the pledge manager for a little extra.

It will happen. Just not when the book launches in 2025. The audiobook is the most expensive piece to produce. However, if we can raise $4000, I will push the audiobook production up on the timeline.

What if I don't want my edition signed?
That's fine! I should have the ability to let you preorder an unsigned copy in the pledge manager. If not, email me at [email protected]

Can I be a beta reader?
I'll probably leave the beta reading process with just a few people I know and trust. But if you want to apply, send me an email at [email protected] and I will return a form you can fill out.

I have a different question.
Email me at [email protected] and I will answer it to the best of my abilities. When I do another FAQ, I'll likely add it on

Anyways, I'm excited for you all to meet Caelius, Oberon, and Hadrian soon!




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