Justin D. Jacobson (Board Game Necromancer)
over 1 year ago

Project Update: All Games Are on the Water -- Unboxing Video

Let's get straight to it: No more hiccups at the factory, and all of the items are now on the water or already at the warehouse. As I indicated in the last update, we expect fulfillment to begin in October. That said, there is a very good chance it could start in the closer hubs -- Asia, AU/NZ -- before the end of September. We'll of course keep you posted if anything changes.

Gen Con was absolutely amazing. Of note, we ran non-stop Covenant demos, and everyone had a great time with it. I'm really ecstatic with how the expansion turned out. And, finally, I received the first official production copy from the factory and made a quick video to show it off. Please pardon my meager production skills.

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