Rose Gauntlet Entertainment
9 days ago

Project Update: 🪿Update #4-Game Samples and Flock! Premium Feather Token Reveal🦜

Hey Feather Fanatics! 

It’s February, and we’re officially jealous of anyone who had the chance to migrate to warmer climates. For those of us braving the snowy north, we’re making it through with plenty of shoveling—but also unlimited hot chocolate! While February tends to be a quieter month due to the Chinese New Year, it’s also a time for reflection and planning. Looking ahead to new projects has always made it one of my favorite months. 

Game Samples 

Even as we plan for the future, we’re making great progress on all four Bird Games! We’ve received new samples, allowing us to see previously unprinted components and test different materials. These samples are very close to the final versions, and we’re excited to share them with you!

Some of Flock's cards and tokens

Flock now features its finished feather tokens and player boards, and the colors really pop on the table. Plus, check out the brand-new first player token in the top right corner! Everything is coming together beautifully.

Rook Requiem
A Sample of Rook Requiem Cards and Tokens

Rook Requiem now has its final tokens, and the cards have been slightly updated since the last version. We’re especially loving the unique expressions in the ghost deck—each ghost has a name and a mysterious backstory hinting at their past.

Some of Pebbles components and cards

All of Pebbles’ tokens are here, and they look incredible! Only some are pictured, but Lyss did an amazing job adding tiny details that bring this strange little world to life. The wooden meeples are also looking fantastic—I have no idea how I’ll choose which team to play when they all look so good!

Birds on Birds
Birds on Birds Scoring Track and a few of the wooden Birds

Birds on Birds now has its final score track and squirrel score tokens! The wooden bird pieces turned out great, with eye-catching vibrant colors. We’re still deciding on the best type of wood to use—different options have varying weights and brightness levels in printing. Since this is our first dexterity game, it’s been fun learning about all the tiny details that go into a game like this!

GAMA Expo—See the Games in Person!

One of the reasons we pushed to get these new samples made? We’re heading to GAMA Expo later this month! If you’re attending, stop by the Allplay Booth to see these samples up close. You can also demo our upcoming game Keystone North America 2nd Edition before its official release this spring!

Flock! Premium Feather Tokens

In sunlight the holographic sheen looks so cool! It's winter though so we've forgotten what sunlight is at this point.

With development almost complete, we’re turning our attention to accessories! First up: the premium acrylic feather tokens for Flock! They turned out amazing—and we can confirm they feel just as good as they look! The bright, crisp printing and the satisfying click they make on the table add an extra layer of fun. If you missed out on this accessory, there’s still time to add it to your order!

Our Thoughts with California

To those affected by the California wildfires, our hearts go out to you. If you need to cancel your pledge due to these hardships, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We completely understand and will do our best to support whatever decision you need to make. Your safety and well-being come first. You can reach out to us via email at [email protected]

Thanks for all your support and we'll be back next month with another update! 

The Rose Gauntlet Team





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