Chant (Hollows Producer)
7 months ago

Project Update: Post-Campaign Update 2: Surveys Incoming!


It’s been nearly a month already. Wow, and also, how? 

However, things are occurring. In summary:

  • Writing is happening!
  • Backer surveys are going out! 
  • Pre-order store is open!


Writing progresses apace. We’ve made some final adjustments to the character creation material and Weapons (spoiler: the Knife is even nastier now. Bleeding is horrible.), and Grant’s done some sterling work fleshing out the setting chapter with insights into life before, and outside, Hollows. 

I have, reluctantly, let Grant and Chris off the leash to attend GenCon so progress may slow down, but I’ve already got some juicy little gobbets of text to share over the next month or so. 


Backer surveys are very nearly ready to go. By the time you read this, I will have sent out a smoke test to a small number of backers to make sure everything works as intended. All being well, surveys will go out to everyone by the end of the week. 

Consider this the first of many reminders that we’re not charging for shipping yet: we’ll do that shortly before we start fulfilment, probably in about March next year (that's at the very earliest). That’s also when PDF rewards will start to become available. 

Completing your survey doesn’t lock your order. You can still go in and add products or upgrade to a higher pledge level afterwards. The big advantage of sending out surveys this early is that it helps us plan our production – what we’re making and where it’s going. It makes the whole process of printing and assembling books (and other things) and pinging them around the globe run a little more smoothly.

Retail backers, your surveys will take a little longer; we’re playing around with some exciting extra things.


The pre-order store is open on Backerkit now. You are the kind of smart, savvy person who backs crowdfunders and doesn’t hang around waiting for products to be available to the general public so this information doesn’t affect you… but it is an opportunity to tell everyone you game with about Hollows and convince them to get their own copies. 

Thank you for reading!
Producer Chant
user avatar image for Chant (Hollows Producer)




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