Rowan, Rook and Decard
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Countdown

Hi gang. Maz here. My job at RR&D these days is mostly to be the person who sits in meetings and says “yeah but what about global shipping”, and I’m sorry to say I’ve been saying that a lot recently.

Our original plan for Voidheart Symphony was that we’d launch in January, and aim to fulfil your books to you in July. As it stands, we’re still hoping our production schedule will be the same, but we’re choosing to delay launching the crowdfunder until things are a little more settled.

There are a few reasons for this. One is that global shipping lanes are a little on the spicy side right now, and that makes our shipping estimates hard to nail - we’d prefer to give you as real a number as possible, rather than just a gif of our logistics folks shrugging and going “tariffs?” As well, we’ve got other projects in flight (literally) right now; giving Dagger in the Heart specifically a little more time to land, and the whole situation time to settle, means we’ll be better placed to be clear about how Voidheart Symphony will go.

Another reason is that we’ve got some team members unwell right now–including me–and we want to avoid loading more work on top of folks already working incredibly hard: it’s better to hold off a few weeks while everyone gets well and gets other work finished, so we can give this the fanfare it deserves.

And one consideration is particularly apparent today: we don’t want to cut across or into events in the USA, especially in this first week when it’s likely that a lot of people will need to focus on reality rather than escapism. 

The good news is that, as a result, Mina has more time to work on more of the new version of the game. We’ve had some fantastic guidance from Melody Watson, our development editor on Voidheart, and that’s resulted already in some new features and new design ideas for this new release (stay tuned for more on that from Chant soon…). The development work is continuing as planned, especially now we know so many of you are excited to join us in this journey–thank you to everyone who’s already shown support. You make it all possible.

So: Voidheart is coming. It’s going to be a little longer to launch than we’d hoped, but it’s coming. Tell your friends, and watch your inbox for more updates.
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