Chant (Voidheart Producer)
1 day ago

Project Update: The Big One: WE'RE FULLY FUNDED!


We are delighted. We are excited. We are relieved. Chant survived Day 1 of the campaign with some fingernails left unbitten (disgusting habit, I know).

WE ARE FUNDED! We are making this beautiful, brilliant book. And, from the looks of it, we're going to power through some stretch goals and cram as much great stuff in and on it as we physically can. 


As of now, every physical copy of Voidheart Symphony comes with an envelope inside the back cover, holding a copy of each of the Rebel playbooks - and Mina's restyled them to be brighter and clearer, with more space for note-taking.

The original Authority playbook, with text and panels in black and red, on an overall blue and white document.

The new Authority playbook. The playbook contains the same information, arranged differently, and with the addition of a sizeable Notes panel. Colours are now predominantly blue on white with black text, with small amounts of red for contrast.

Digital backers get an upgrade too: with this stretch goal, we're now committing to making interactive digital playbooks too. Some project followers have seen the interactive Authority playbook already, but here it is again because it's really good.


No pictures or mockups of this, I'm afraid - I'm simply going to have to ask you to imagine the hardback book with a bookmark ribbon. Purple? Pink? TBC...


If/when we make it to £50,000, Voidheart gets a new playbook. This one is The Union, a playbook for rebels so absolutely done with trying to suppress parts of themselves to fit into the confining box provided for them that every single aspect of them joins the fight against the castle.

"Play the Union to explore the different things a self can be, to form bonds more powerful and personal than even covenants, and to explore themes of plurality and solidarity."

The writeup for The Union playbook in a white frame, on a sunset coloured background of distinct but connected bubbles. The writeup reads: The Self Is A Social Construct. “Just be yourself”. Are any of society’s mantras more clearly false? Society doesn’t want us to be authentic or follow our heart. It wants us to shave away every part that doesn’t fit, become an anonymous cog in the machine, only want the things they’re willing to sell us.  Sometimes they get their way and we cram ourselves into their box, breaking off any parts that don’t fit and lying to ourselves that we’re comfortable. Sometimes we’re so clearly ill-fitting that we’re not even human to them, the disability aids and support we need becoming a reason to dehumanize us and push us into self-loathing.  That’s true of you. Maybe you’ve got other selves inside your head you’re terrified of letting out. Maybe you only feel real when you’re putting on the role of something fictional or ‘fake’. Maybe you’re dependent on the care of others, so much so that you don’t feel like an independent existence. What remedies exist for discarded dreams, silenced desires, repressed selves? There’s no turning back the clock, and if the body keeps the score that’s doubly true for the soul. Maybe the cure for an alienated self is the same as the cure for an alienated society: solidarity. Care and kindness and mutual aid between the parts of a fractured mind can provide strength far beyond any individual self. Maybe accepting your wounds and weaknesses and divisions isn’t giving up, but instead is exactly what you need to thrive. As above, so below: there’s power in a union. Play the Union to explore the different things a self can be, to form bonds more powerful and personal than even covenants, and to explore themes of plurality and solidarity.


At least one (possibly two) backers has asked for a one-page reference sheet that tracks the changes to rules and game terms in Voidheart Symphony. The answer is yes, we can and will do that. We'll get on it - we might even have it finished while the campaign is live, so you can see the mechanical changes all in on place. No promises there, but we'll do our best! 

All right, that's everything. In conclusion: you're all, collectively, the best; the castle's doomed. 

- Chant (with love from Mina)
user avatar image for Chant (Voidheart Producer)





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