about 2 months ago

Project Update: Wasteland Degenerates JCE Post Campaign #11: Proof Indeed

(scroll to the bottom for info on the next campaign)

Hey Degenerates,

Been awhile since I rapped at ya, and that's because I've been going back and forth with the printer to get the best product possible for you all.  I received the proofs, and see for yourself...
I once we get the printing errors sorted (only one in the JCE, but there are a few other little things that need changing, largely color changes and print stock modification), I expect that printing will be complete in three weeks. I don't want to give any exact dates at this time because I've learned the hard way that things will get done in the time it takes to get them done, and rushing the process only leads to more errors.

Once the printing is complete, I'll pick the books up directly from the printer.  At that point I'll get the appropriate packaging from the post office, get the printing labels from BackerKit, and begin fulfillment.  It's just me, I don't have any fancy fulfillment company, so I don't know how long this will take yet.  Just know that I am dedicated to getting these books to you as soon as I can.

The Choice of a New Degeneration!

We met the crowdfunding stretch goal to add random character generators to the Wasteland Degenerates website, but Stuart Gorman went above and beyond the call of duty to create not just a character generator, but a vehicle and a mission generator as well!  Go to the website and click on one of the three Random Generators to check it out!

I'm agog at just how much of a useful resource these will be for players and GMs alike.  Thanks Stuart!

The Next Phase Begins

I'm excited to share with you that the next step of the Wasteland Degenerates journey is fast approaching, to begin Tuesday, February 25th. With any luck, I will have completed fulfillment for the JCE by then, as I would like to start the new campaign fresh. 

The hardcover edition will mark the true entry of Wasteland Degenerates onto the same shelf as Mörk Borg, CY_Borg, Pirate Borg, and all the other greats of the genre.  Bookmark the project now to receive updates!

That's it for now.  Thanks for reading this far, folks.  As always, let me know if you have questions.
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