4 months ago

Project Update: $60k! New Stretch Goal Incoming for Original Soundtrack Album

Howdy backers,

I'll try to keep the main updates limited to every few days to keep your Mothership Month email load down, but we've really been shooting up fast. At the pace this is going, this is headed towards being the biggest Silverarm crowdfunding campaign ever! Thanks an absolute heap for that, this has been a surreal week.

I've got a few more sweet stretch goals I'm going to throw into the ring but want to make sure they fit well with the production plan. Too many crowdfunding campaigns have been dashed against the rocks of their own wild success by adding too many new stretch goals to a wildly successful campaign and I would like to avoid that.   

First one, if we get to 75k, we'll be releasing an Interloper Original Soundtrack album for your enjoyment.

Here's the soundtracks on Spotify for previous releases for Desert Moon of Karth, Abilities Considered Unnatural, Tide World of Mani, and The Shrike. Abilities Considered Unnatural isn't up on Spotify yet but here's a link to the album to peruse along with the rest.  We're leaning towards a sort of brooding space noir sound with synths, pianos, and some guitar for this next one but specifics are still up in the air.

Early on we decided we wanted to move away from doing ambient looped longform audio tracks to play over the whole session with the module soundtrack. It seemed like that type of music was already well served by heaps of awesome creators like Tabletop Audio who specialize in that kind of diegetic environmental music.

Instead we went for maximum v i b e s for more of a movie soundtrack type experience that fits each module's mood. With previous albums I've heard from folks that dig listening to it on their commute, in the background while preparing the game for GM inspiration, or playing a select track or two as a closer or opener in their session.   

These boppin' albums are the result of the hard work and creative excellence of Eric Hines (Coyote Coast), Kevin Gundlach, and guest appearances by Matti Joy, and Broden Farazmand. Check them out and hit them up if you're looking for some sweet artists for your game music projects.

See ya soon,

29 votes
Goal: $75,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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