The Golden Idol of En-Tridar for Dungeon Crawl Classics!

The Golden Idol of En-Tridar for Dungeon Crawl Classics!

The Golden Idol of En-Tridar is a 1st level adventure made for 3-6 players using the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. A sinister dungeon gauntlet, created by a vow made to the Hidden Lord, hides several golden idols but only one is the true idol of power!
$3,347 🎉
of $3,000
Project Ended
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The Golden Idol of En-Tridar!

The Hook

Rumors swirl of a magical idol of extreme power hidden somewhere in the dark corners and shadowed streets in a city called Whisperwood. Governed by ancient God-magic and protected by a magical dungeon, this golden totem welcomes all challengers for the taking. Any business Lucky enough to be in possession of this idol is said to be blessed with extreme fortune and unfathomable prosperity.

Normally, you wouldn't give two tugs of Hemric's finger who owned the idol. After all, you've got a nice well-worn seat at the bar to wash away any troubles you may have. Remember when Ogrid drank an entire keg of ale and tried to ride a Jengu, or when you first heard Old Man Robertson tell the story of the Empty Star and a magic portal that appeared in a ring of megalithic, stone monuments. Good times!

Now, the beloved tavern that has witnessed every major event in your life is at risk of closing its doors forever, unless you can recover The Golden Idol of En-Tridar!

Jeon, the barkeep of the Woodsman’s Rest, stomps purposefully up to your group’s table. Slamming a hand on the ale-stained wood, she slides an alien-looking barter token your way and states very matter-of-factly, “Times have changed and no one fancies the place anymore except you ragged lot. The Woodsman is going to close forever unless you can win a magic idol from the dungeon below the House of En-Tridar. The Woodsman needs you, can I count on you to save our tavern?”

Why should you back this project?

The Module

The Golden Idol of En-Tridar is a 1st level adventure intended for 4-7 player characters using the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game (DCC RPG). This module is another journey into mythic North Haven, part of the world introduced in the CN series of adventures from Split the Party Games. This dungeon crawl adventure presents strong opportunities for puzzle solving, trap detection and avoidance, a bevy of secret passages, and intense close-quarters combat. The module has gone through many playtests and has always presented a challenging and fun adventure that has brought out the best in player creativity and teamwork.

This module presents multiple options for exploration, almost daring curious party members to branch off to explore something on their own or with a small group. The signature element of Split the Party Games returns through a panoply of alluring options that will be offered to adventuring groups. While I can't guarantee that they will split the party and lean into the chaotic bliss, the chances are very likely!

Although the adventure is set within the limits of a city setting, the magically created dungeon gauntlet of The Golden Idol of En-Tridar can easily be dropped into any setting or storyline. Perfect for a 3 to 4 hour gaming session, the adventure offers multiple paths to victory and introduces ravenous new monsters to the DCC bestiary, including this guy who looks like a rejected mascot for Cyclops Con!
Illustration by Davin Kluttz

The page count of the module is anticipated to be 24 - 28 pages and is currently in layout. Interior pages are anticipated to be 60# offset with black ink and a 12pt C1S (coated 1 side) color cover. Module dimensions will be 8.5" X 11". The quality of the module is a high priority, as previous backers of A Conspiracy of Ravens can attest. The plan is to use the same local printing company, Horizon Printing, so the module will get the personal service it deserves to guarantee a great product.


Pledge Tiers

The Pledge

The available pledge tiers for the campaign:

  • $2 - Watcher: For this tier you will receive all the emails on the progression and status of the project and my thanks.

  • $8 - PDF Only: A PDF copy of The Golden Idol of En-Tridar, all unlocked digital stretch goals, and my unceasing gratitude.

  • $13 - S.T.P. Digital Collection: Backers will receive a PDF copy of The Golden Idol of En-Tridar, a PDF copy of A Conspiracy of Ravens, and any unlocked digital Stretch Goals.

  • $14 - Print & PDF: A Print copy of The Golden Idol of En-Tridar, a PDF copy sent digitally, all unlocked digital and physical stretch goals, and my perpetual thanks.

  • $27 - S.T.P. Print Collection: Backers will receive a Print and PDF copy of The Golden Idol of En-Tridar, a Print and PDF copy of A Conspiracy of Ravens, and all unlocked digital and physical Stretch Goals.

  • $45 - Retailer package: This pledge level is available for verified retailers and includes 3 Print copies of The Golden Idol of En-Tridar, 3 Print copies of A Conspiracy of Ravens, all unlocked digital and physical stretch goals, and my interminable appreciation.

Will you dare to reach inside the desiccated corpse for the Golden Idol?

Stretch Goals!

The Bonus

I know stretch goals can be love or hate with many crowdfunding companies, but I personally love them. When I support a project, I love getting something that might be exclusive, or in this age of ever-increasing inflation, just more for my buck. I also feel like the success of the campaign should directly reflect how much value is shared by the backers who are helping to make the product through their love and support. The more people that back the project, the bigger the rewards will be for everyone. That way we all win!

With that in mind, I've set some fun, achievable stretch goals to say thanks for backing The Golden Idol of En-Tridar!

  • $3000 - FULLY FUNDED!!

When A Conspiracy of Ravens was fully funded, I wanted to show my general appreciation to the backers by autographing 25 modules and sending them to 25 randomly chosen backers. These special modules also included a note with an easter egg that was hidden inside the module, either something hidden in the module or something that inspired a certain part of the module. Well, I never heard that anyone was upset about me marking up their book so I thought I'd do it again!

Thank you for supporting an indie author and publisher. 25 backers will receive an autographed copy of The Golden Idol of En-Tridar with my signature and a message of thanks. Imagine if you could go back in time to get an autographed copy of one of Gygax's first module! Now I seriously doubt that I will ever be that legendary, but here is the second step to unending fame!

Note: Autographed copy will be substituted for unsigned copy. The 25 backers will still only receive (1) one book per pledge level.

  • $4000 - "Read me a story" Bumper Sticker (physical stretch goal)

What could be more innocent than a DCC bedtime story!

Goodman Games ran a bumper sticker contest in 2022 and selected three winning bumper stickers, one of which was designed by myself. This particular bumper sticker was a runner up and one of my personal favorites.

  • $4500 - Chimera Corn Casserole recipe (digital and physical stretch goal)

If you frequent the DungeonCrawlers Discord server, and have had a chance to visit the 'good food' channel, then you might know that I consider myself a pretty great chef (if I do say so myself). As an appreciator of food that tastes amazing, one of my family's secret recipes will be added to the module. I guarantee that when you take chimera corn casserole to the next potluck family reunion, you're sure to be added to Grandma's will!

  • $5000 - "Weird Uncle Brendan" Bumper Sticker (physical stretch goal)

Approved by Brendan's mom!

This bumper sticker was created in the hopes that Brendan LaSalle might have been on the Judging committee, a blatant attempt at bribery. Although it didn't make the final cut, Brendan showed it to his mom and she said she had to have one. Let's start a nation-wide trend of slapping these bad boys on every car you can find and go viral with the world trying to figure out who this bushy-haired vagabond is!

*Image is not final art, phrasing will be changed. Only slap bumper stickers on vehicles with the owner's permission, S.T.P. Games does not endorse the unlawful tagging of POVs.

  • $5555 - More Art! (digital and physical stretch goal)

Who doesn't love more art? Answer: There isn't one person who doesn't love to see more amazing art in an adventure!. If we reach this goal, more art will be commissioned to be included in The Golden Idol of En-Tridar. It's already full of epic images, some of which can be seen on this campaign page, but there is always room for more.

  • $6000 - "Tailgater" Bumper Sticker (physical stretch goal)

Let that driver riding your bumper know they better watch out because you're a serious gamer!

Let's face it, impolite drivers are totally a thing. Someone riding up on your bumper because they are in such a big hurry to get to wherever they're going 2 minutes faster than they would driving like a normal person. Send a message with this bumper sticker. 

All of these bumper stickers will be come with an authentic Sezrekan curse placed upon them. As soon as they get close enough to read it, it'll be too late for em. The Curse of the Karmaflatire will be upon them!

  • More to come!

I don't want to get too far ahead of myself but if we surpass $6000, I've definitely got more stretch goal ideas in mind! 


The Comeback

Let the bell toll once more in the cursed town of Meadhan! The first module written by Matt Robertson and published by S.T.P. Games, A Conspiracy of Ravens will undergo a second printing and be available once again for purchase. This item will be listed as an add-on and be available with any pledge level.

Packed with a ton of original art by Davin Kluttz, L.F. OSR, Terry Pavlet, and many more,  this horror themed adventure module can be played as a 0-level funnel or as a 1st level adventure. A Conspiracy of Ravens takes classic aspects of horror that you love and reimagines them in a frightening new light... or darkness.

Illustration by Terry Pavlet

During the first campaign for A Conspiracy of Ravens, a limited edition silver foil cover was printed and offered in limited quantities. A promise was made to never again print the cover with silver foil, increasing it's collectability in the year 2357. The second printing will also be available in limited quantities with a new color foil cover. The color is of yet undecided and might be something we decide together through the campaign.

Loyalty Rewards

The Appreciation

Just like a punch card for a free ice cream cone or haircut on your 10th purchase, I believe in showing my appreciation for your support of me and the things I'm passionate about. One way that this is done is by offering a reduced initial price of purchase for the product. For this campaign, that equals out to $1 off the retail cover price. I know it's not much. But it is a little something to say thank you for supporting this project.

I also want to say thank you to the backers who made a pledge on my previous campaign. For all the returning physical pledge backers who backed A Conspiracy of Ravens, you will get a FREE jar grip!

I know your thinking "A jar grip?". Yes, a jar grip! S.T.P. Games excels at offering unique and fun items that you won't find in any other campaigns (well, until after they see this). We like to be a trend setter, so get your jar grips now! Returning backers will get 1 free jar grip for backing any physical pledge level. They will also be available as an add-on for new backers, or if you'd like to purchase more to hand out to all your players after running the module!

*Artwork is not final image! Free jar grip will be based off the name or email address from the previous campaign. If your email address has changed or you are backing this project with a different email than the one you used for A Conspiracy of Ravens, please reach out via the campaign help page to inform me of the change.

The Team!

The Cast

Matt Robertson, aka GrapeApe - The Golden Idol of En-Tridar is the second module written by Matt Robertson and published by Split the Party Games. Matt is huge fan of the roleplaying game Dungeon Crawl Classics and his writing style mixes the chaotic gonzo goodness of DCC with the delivery of the golden age of AD&D module writing. As a life-long fan of all things in the fantasy, horror, and sci-fi genres, he brings deadly but rewarding encounters, suspense-building action, and a wealth of storytelling experience into his words..

Matt hosts and co-hosts several Twitch shows on the Goodman Games Twitch channel, including RAW: Rules As Written, GrapeApe's Reaver Express, , Road Crew Rally, and GrapeApe's Roadhouse. Matt works for Goodman Games in the Road Crew/Gongfarmer's Local department as the right hand of author extraordinaire Brendan LaSalle (surely some writing skills had to have rubbed off).

The Fraim Brothers - The gorgeous cover art for The Golden Idol of En-Tridar was illustrated by Brendon and Brian Fraim. You may recognize their work from being contributing artists to Kenzer's Hackmaster RPG, long time artists of Knights of the Dinner Table, Black Oak Workshops Advent-Ture calendars, as well as many other bodies of work.

They have produced an undeniably epic cover featuring a band of adventurers battling a porcanea, a new creature that combines a spider and pig in all the deadly ways spiders and pigs can be deadly! You can see more of their artwork, or commission your own, on their website FraimWorks.

Davin Kluttz - Davin is a graphic designer, illustrator, and game designer based in Portland Oregon. He creates content for D&D, DCC RPG, MCC, Weird Frontiers, and other fantasy and sci-fi TTRPGs. He has contributed cartography, character and creature art, scenes, trap diagrams, and more on countless products and crowdfunding projects. With an extensive background in design and gaming, Davin fell in love with DCC RPG in 2018 and his work has appeared in officially published Goodman Games products, as well as many 3rd party products. As a game master, he regularly attends game conventions supporting the community as a Goodman Games tournament Judge, as game master for his original content, and more. Follow his work and connect with him on Instagram.

What is Dungeon Crawl Classics?

The Core

Dungeon Crawl Classics is a d20 tabletop role-playing game published by Goodman Games. Heavily influenced by Gary Gygax's Appendix N, Goodman Games has modernized the rules but remained true to the ideals of old school sword and sorcery games. Fast-paced gameplay, unpredictable magics, 0-level funnel adventures, and a little bit of Luck are just some of the hallmarks that put DCC RPG above other games. These qualities make it a fun, imaginative, and memorable adventure ending with your character perishing in horribly, epic ways or living in glory upon piles of treasure! You can get a free quick start copy of the rules and a free introductory module at Goodman Games Quickstart Rules.

Risks and Challenges

The module is 95% written (excluding any content unlocked by stretch goals) and has been officially approved for 3rd party publication under the Goodman Games 3rd party publishing license. Most of the art has been completed and there are only a few pieces still outstanding. Layout has begun. Funding for this module will go to the printing and shipping of the adventure and to fund future projects. I anticipate being able to ship between April - July of 2025.

The challenges I am preparing for at this time are a quick and safe distribution of the module through the USPS. Backers will be updated on progress every step of the way and can expect at least one update each month. I have previous experience with crowdfunding and publishing through my previous campaign and maintain a 100% on-time delivery record.

Shipping will be calculated after the campaign in the pledge manager.

Shipping costs will be as reasonable as I can find while still making sure the product arrives to you safely. All shipping costs will be calculated in the pledge manager after the campaign.

We will be using weight-based shipping, and you will be charged shipping via BackerKit for the total weight of your pledge and any add-ons.

If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project