Varun Singh
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Update #8 - $25,000 RAISED AND MOBILE APP UNLOCKED!!!

Hey hey TTM folks! Hope everyone had another great weekend and a good Monday so far. I just wanted to hop on here proudly say we’ve reached our next stretch goal at OVER 1000% FUNDED with $25,000 RAISED!!! 🍾🎊🙌 What a fantastic way to start the week!!!

And reaching this stretch goal means we can now get the TTM Mobile App rolling!!! 📱With the TTM app, you can bring TTM with you on any device, anytime, to your online and IRL game nights! Plus, we’ll be unifying Role Gate into the TTM Platform -- to deliver a truly incredible Play By Post experience! This is truly an incredible stretch goal and one that I’m so excited to bring to all of you. 

We’re not even halfway through this campaign, but we’re already over 1000% funded! It’s truly crazy to think about, and I continue to be overwhelmed with the support from all the TTM folks out there. 

Keep sharing our campaign across your socials, and send it to friends, family, enemies, anyone interested in helping us make the best VTT platform available!

Thanks so much!! Let’s keep it up and hear it for week 3 of the campaign!!🧙‍♂️




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