Varun Singh
26 days ago

Project Update: Update #9 - $30,000 RAISED, FINAL STRETCH GOAL REVEALED!

Happy Monday, everyone! Welcome to WEEK 4 OF THE CAMPAIGN!! This whole thing is just flying by, isn’t it? 

I’m extremely thrilled to announce that we have officially raised $30,000!!! WOW!!! This is so incredible, and I can’t thank you folks enough for this milestone. This now puts us even closer to our next stretch goal for TTM – official PORTRAIT MAKING TOOLS!! 🍾🎊🙌 

With this portrait maker, you’ll be able to design your original characters on TTM, with all the customizations and configurations to make it truly your own, all without any generative AI! This is for sure going to bring the TTM platform to the next level for your games.

And did we mention our BRAND NEW DICE TRAY ADD-ONS?!? Add them to your pledge now or after the campaign ends!

And now, we are ready to reveal our FINAL STRETCH GOAL!!!

Drumroll please… 🥁🥁🥁

Our final stretch goal for $100,000 raised will be PROJECT FANTASY! 🧙‍♂️🎲🏰

With this addition to TTM, you’ll be able to fully integrate different aspects of your physical game play on our platform! Imagine rolling a die across your table and seeing that same die roll on your VTT screen. This will elevate both your virtual and IRL game nights – truly taking TTM to an entirely new level. 

Keep sharing, and LET’S HEAR IT FOR WEEK 4!!!! 🧙‍♂️





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