Varun Singh
20 days ago

Project Update: Update #10 - JUST FOUR DAYS LEFT To Back and Share!

Hello again, TTM fans and family! I’m sitting here watching the clock tick down with only FOUR days left in our campaign. We’ve raised OVER $35,000, and hit our next stretch goal: the Portrait Maker!

We’ve already talked about the Portrait Maker so let’s take a look at the NEXT Stretch Goal on the list: FULL Offline Support. This is going to be an absolute game-changer for the TTM platform. Imagine being able to design, build, and play your own custom games anywhere, anytime, and from any device! With this funding, we’re confident we can have this platform FULLY OFFLINE, making it an even better user experience for all homebrewers, GMs, and players, even with all these exciting new assets! 

As always, I cannot believe how amazing all of the folks in the TTM community are. I never thought we’d raise this much in our first ever campaign, and we still have HALF A WEEK left in our campaign. Please share the campaign with your friends, game groups, and local gaming communities to help us blast through these final stretch goals and bring as many features and support to TTM as possible this year!

Thanks, everyone! Let’s see if we can get to $45,000!🧙





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